Can I unlock an iPhone 5 that is still in a 2 year contract?

So I'm going to be studying abroad next year and want to bring my iPhone 5, but I can't use it unless it's unlocked. So if my 2 year AT&T contract is still active with the iPhone 5, can I still unlock it? I've read many forums that many people have, but I can't be sure.

IPhone 4 iOS 6.0.1. Docking Problems?

I downloaded iOS 6.0.1. And since then i can't dock my phone on Bose soundock.

could dock it on my brothers Sony docking station and it works fine. My phone does charge but doesn't play sound. I called apple support but don't want to pay $20 fee to answer my question. I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience. I also tried tv out and it doesn't work. Before everything worked fine. I know how to operate my phone so that's not the problem. Thanks. I also tried rebooting and that didn't work either.

Where can I download the Official Magic: the gathering toolbox?

I was looking for the official Magic: the gathering toolbox (because on Google play there's another one) but the only one I could find was on iTunes. Because I have an android not an iPhone it won't allow me to download it. Can anyone help me find it.

Where can i get a good IOS 6 download from?

I have searched everywhere for an IOS 6 update for my Iphone 4 Verizon. When i find a link and click on it, i'm brought to an endless loading page in google chrome. It is anoying the living hell out of me, does anyone know how to solve this or any good download links for IOS 6 iphone 4 verizon?

My iphone 3gs will not read sim?

Won't read sim cards stuck on activation Screen

so i have this iphone 3gs. And it was jail broken and unlocked a few years ago. It was last on 4.1 and base-band i heard that apple was now allowing unlocks so i requested it to be unlocked. They said they unlocked it just got to restore it through itunes.well i did this and now its at the activation screen. I have an active att sim and when i try to activate it it says that there's an error and itunes says need to put sim in. But the sim is already in. So i'm assuming its not readying sim cards. And since it is stuck on activation screen i can't even axcess the information on the phone. Accessdvice would be helpful.

I got an iPhone without Sim card?

My mom works as a janitor at a school and one of her friends gave her an iphone3g. It was her daughter's. So she gave it to me but the sim card was missing. Can i ask a local cellphone company to give me an unactivated sim card or would i have to pay for one?

How to use iMessage between iPod touch 4 and iPhone 3GS?

I have an iPod touch 4 and my brother has a iPhone 3GS and when he try's to message me via my email address it just sends me a normal email instead of coming up in iMessage. When I try to send something to him the send button doesn't work?

How can I fix this?

Will my contacts get deleted when I sync my iPhone?

I have an iPhone 4S running iOS 6.0.1. I always sync my iPhone to my computer through iTunes on a mac. I recently purchased a new Mac notebook and I want to sync my iPhone through this computer now instead of the other one. My new notebook is already authorized through the same Apple I. D.
I'm fine and well aware of the applications, music, etc. Products I've purchased through iTunes will be replaced. But will my contacts be replaced?

IPhone 4S won't send pictures to non iphone users?

I just bought an unlocked iPhone 4S from the apple store. I have tmobile. SMS is turned on so I can text non iphone users, however my phone will not let me send them pictures. It will just say "sending failed" with a red exclamation mark on the iMessage icon. I can send and receive pictures to and from iPhone users and I can send and receive normal texts from anyone regardless of phone or carrier. However, I can't send pictures to non iphone users no matter what I try. Picture messages should not be blocked on my data plan because everything worked just fine on my old Motorola and I didn't change my plan and I have an unlimited plan. Can anyone help? Please and thank you!