Right side of my earpod won't work for music on my iPhone 5?

It isn't broken because whenever I plug the new earpods into my laptop both sides work. They both even work on my iPhone when I'm in a call. When I listen to music, the right side, which is the remote side won't work, but the remote still works. The left works fine. Anyone else experiencing this problem? And how may I fix this?

Added (1). It works when i'm calling but not for music.

IPad apps showing up On my iPhone?

My sister just bought an iPad 2. And I linked her iPad to my account, because it's easier to activate that way. I'm wondering why all the apps she's downloading, are showing up On my iPhone 4S?

Take into account that I'm 16, and she's 9.

Why do some people hate corporations?

I love corporations. Microsoft, Apple and Google have revolutionized everything Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are awesome we owe everything to them our world has changed dramatically because of them.without corporations and without people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and google ceo Larry Page we would still be stuck in the dark ages. No Android phones no iPhones no Xbox 360s no computers no nothing you better thank God for corporations and without corporations there would be no Pepsi or Coca Cola and a lot more

Sound not working for iPhone 4?

I've already tried calling support and they want to charge me 19.99 for the tech support. I'm not paying for it. I don't want to make reservations for the Genius Bar either. I've already looked online and couldn't find a resolution.

The phone won't ring when getting a call, it won't ring when receiving a text, and it won't make the lock sound either. It will however let me hear calls on the phone and speakerphone, and I can also hear music through the speakerphone. The volume is on max and the vibrating is turned off. What could be the problem.

If you can't answer this question, please don't. I already know about tech support and the Genius Bar. I don't want to reset the phone either. I want to try and get some suggestions before I go through all of that and spend money. I've also tried restarting the phone multiple times.

How often does AT&T restock the iPhone 5's?

I was on the AT&T website today so I could upgrade my phone to the iPhone 5, and online it said they had them in a store near me, and I just checked now, and it's out of stock. I'm going to get the iPhone 5 on Black Friday, and I was wondering if they would probably have more by then.

Why is the iphone 5 a bad choice? - 1

It's too damn small

the navigation on the iphone 5 is extremely unreliable, you'll embarrass yourself when you get lost trying to get somewhere…

on my Note 2 I like to use the S pen to draw stuff on pictures & then send it as a text, can your iphone or s3 do that… I didn't think so

Is there a way i can lock my iPhone from my computer?

Okay so my mom took my phone and I don't know if she knows my password or not but on my computer I have it to where on iTunes it automatically syncs to my phone through the Wi-Fi. Is there any way that I can lock or disable my iPhone through my iTunes? I really don't want to restore it so can i just lock it somehow?

Iphone 4s won't turn back on.shows its charging.what gives?

So two days ago my phone died and since than it has turned on twice. It shows that its charging with the red and thunderbolt under it. I brought it to apple and the guy was uselss that helped me. Talked to me for two minutes and tood me i had to pay 200 dollars to fix it. Also told me my warranty is void cause i have cosmetic damage. I can't afford the 200 dollars to fix it right now. I've tried the home button and power button, as well as trying to hold onto the power button and plug it into my computer and nothing.Am i out of luck here? Is there anything i can possibly do?