Why do some people hate corporations?
I love corporations. Microsoft, Apple and Google have revolutionized everything Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are awesome we owe everything to them our world has changed dramatically because of them.without corporations and without people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and google ceo Larry Page we would still be stuck in the dark ages. No Android phones no iPhones no Xbox 360s no computers no nothing you better thank God for corporations and without corporations there would be no Pepsi or Coca Cola and a lot more
The top people makes way more money than the lower class that's why they hate it
Corporations are people just like us.
They'd get sent to a looney bin if they claimed they hated themselves so they claim to hate something that can't actually harm them…
Or child labor laws
Because most of them are kids and want everything someone else has!
It is the little people that design and make the innovations that never get rewarded for their contributions.
They are the ones who get laid off and benefits cut when companies like Bain come in and raid them.
Corporations are better than mere humans. One day Corporations will evolve to replace silly people.
Those men didn't invent any of those things in the sense you think they did. Nameless scientists and researchers who experimented with copper conductivity, silicon insulation; experimenting with algorithms and arrays in coding, rewriting the framework for code, pushing the limits of the microchip. They are who brought you those inventions. Machines, who are extensions of men, brought you the other machines. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are just people who sold their ideas. The real scientists, researchers, and inventors do it purely for the thrill of discovery, they could care less whether it's sold in stores or making money.
Here is why some people hate corporations. Because money, and money alone, causes people to behave like this
There's no reason to hate corporation. They have advanced human kind. Corporations are people too.
- Why does the uk seem governed by globalism and corporations now? Britain has changed so much. Mass immigration which has transformed the country greatly… And so many american programs and adverts on television now… Everyone has an apple iphone and is glued to it… Big corporations are everywhere… Parts of the nhs being privatized. is anyone depressed by any of this? Britain has changed beyond all recognition.
- Why do some people love to hate on Apple products? Especially guys. I know lots of guys who say Apple is overpriced and not that good. I have a macbook that is almost 4 years old and still works like it's brand new. Before I had to buy new laptops every 2 years because they became slow and these laptops cost the same as my mac. Also, I have the iPad and the Galaxy tablet and the iPad is way better. I'm even switching back to the iphone because the galaxy 4 is annoying.
- Why do so many people hate on beats by dre? I paid 350 and the sound quality is amazing on my iphone 4s. People say they are a waste of money, but the people who say that is because they can't afford them. The design of the headphones are great so stop hating on them because you know you test them out every time you go to best buy haha.
- Why do people like to hate on iPhones? Almost every video comparing an iPhone to an android or a windows phone. The opposing phone always wins and all of the comments are like "anythings better than Ishit" like seriously… What's so bad about iPhones and apple products.