Looking for an app similar to the Acorns investing app?

So currently on the app store for Iphone there's an app called Acorns. Say you spend 1.75 on a drink, well the Acorn app basically rounds your purchase to 2 dollars, so that it can invest 25 cents of your purchase. So after some time, your purchases are slowly rounding up and investing for you. Well i'm looking for an app that does this rounding system, only instead of investing that 25 cents, it actually just saves it in a savings account through my bank. So as time goes by, i'm slowly saving into a bank account. Is there any apps like this?

Is it going to be hard to switch back to my old iPhone? Please help ☹️?

My dad basically switch over to at&t when I told him not too cuz he thought he was gonna save money so I came from Verizon iPhone 8 Plus, he still owes money on the phone and the Verizon bill isn't due till the 24th.

So yesterday I switched over I have the iPhone XR from at&t but they took money out of my dads account cuz he has bad credit now he's mad now he's saying he's gonna return the phone and go back to Verizon. Meaning like I have to use my iPhone 8 Plus again cuz that is Verizon

My phone on here is already backed up and I did NOT delete everything on the phone of my 8 plus.

Do I have to do anything to my 8 plus to work for me? The guy said the 8 plus won't work cuz I have the XR cuz my number is on this one. But now I have to go back to my 8 plus I don't know what I have to do for that to work?

I'm completely confused and I don't know what to do, I need my phone I do work on it and can't be without it

How do I add more storage to my iPhone?

I have a 16gb iPhone 6 and the storage is horrible, I can't take anymore pictures because I ran out of storage and I can't download more than 3 apps. How do I add more storage on an iPhone 6?

Added (1). I guess I can't upgrade the storage, I just decided to order a new 256gb iPhone 8.

Should I switch to iphone? - 1

I always get made fun of in school for having an android. I usually don't care but I'm constantly being picked at for having an android and now I'm self conscious. Any android to iPhone experiences? And do you regret switching to iPhone

How do I turn my iPhone screen completely upside down?

It's an iPhone 6S+. It wasn't turning at all before, until I realised it was on the zoomed setting, so I switched to standard after that. It worked, It turned the screen to landscape mode, but that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to turn it completely upside down, to portrait again, because I want to use the headphone jack and it's on the bottom of the phone, when I want to have the phone resting on my lap (but facing up. I don't know it's confusing I'm on my back in my bed and my lap is down so I wanna hold my phone up. Hope that makes sense.) but the headphone thing is in the way and I just wanna turn the screen upside down but it won't work. Anyone know how to do this? Also anyone else think it's kind of inconvenient having it on the bottom even though it was placed there for convenience:/