How to switch from a blackberry to an iphone on an orange contract?

I was wondering if anyone could help me?
last week my phone was stolen and unfortunately my insurance didn'tt cover it. I had the latest blackberry bold.
My contract was only upgraded in september and its a 24 month contract so i decided as i didn't like the blackberry much to go ahead and buy an iphone over ebay, completely unaware until i had actually bought it i wouldnt be able to use the internet on it and the sim that was being sent out to me wouldnt fit.
Does anyone know how orange deal with this? Will they let me simply switch the internet over or will i have to upgrade my contract as its already £31 and £6 for the new fully covered insurance is alot for a student!
any advice would be useful

How to send multi pics from Iphone?

Is there a way I can send 7 pics all together from my Iphone, or how can I send multiple pics I sent one by one to my own email to someone else. It seems like I can only click on one pic at a time even when I send them from my own email to another one of my emails to test it out.

How to make an AT&T iPhone 4 work on Verizon?

Alright, I'm about to get an iPhone 4 from AT&T to use on Verizon (I'm getting it for free from my uncle because I can't upgrade until August 2013) Do I have to jailbreak it or something like that? (It will probably have IOS 6) Thanks in advance.

What should i put on my christmas list? - 1

So this year my parents are trying to start shopping a little at a time so the don't just get a huge bill in january from christmas shopping. I'm a 15 year old girl, and i'm really trying not to ask for anything too huge considering i'm getting my license in less than a year and want a decent car! The only big item on my list is an iPad, and i'm not expecting to get it, but i'd like it for school since my schools too cheap to buy us iPads but they are ok with us bringing our own. I already have an iPhone and i'm planning to upgrade to the 5 when i get enough money for it and i have a laptop and don't want another unless mine quits. I love sports and play volleyball and softball and i LOVE penguins! Any suggestions?

Where can I find Bared To You by Sylvia Day?

I'm looking to find a free PDF of Bared to You (readable/downloadable to my iPhone/iBooks). I just finished reading the Fifty Shades trilogy and need a new read which will fill the void of Christian and Ana.
I would love to get a little taste of Bared to You before actually buying it and reading it in whole but can't seem to find a free PDF of it anywhere.
There are sites beyond sites filled with spam but none actually have it… By the way I was able to find the 1st book of the Fifty Shades trilogy as a PDF no problem (and then of course once I got hooked I went and purchased the actual ebooks).
If you guys could help me I would truly appreciate it… Thanks in advance:]

Home and Sleep/Wake/Power buttons on my iPhone 4 aren't working?

A couple hours ago, two of the buttons on my iPhone 4 stopped working/have become unresponsive. Therefore, I can't lock/sleep/turn off the phone, nor can I get back to the homescreen. The only app I can use is messaging, for the following reason. I was FaceTiming with a friend for a little bit, and when I got off, it went back to the messaging app, where I had started the FaceTime. Then was when I discovered that the buttons wouldn't work. Therefore, I'm stuck in the messaging app, with the home button not working. The touchscreen is working fine, and I can still text people. I can't activate the Assistive Touch, since I don't have a way to get out of the messaging app. The phone also refuses to 'lock itself', because now it will only dim halfway when I don't touch it for awhile.

Help? I don't have the money to replace/fix it at an Apple Store, and there isn't one near me anyway.

Can I get an iPhone and not get a data package?

Right, now, I use my ipod touch for texting and calling but I really want an iPhone. However, I don't want to pay the $30 every month so, is there any way for me to not get the data package but still be able to use apps and the internet if I'm connected to Wi-Fi? How much would that cost?

Why do so many people live off welfare?

Before I start to rant, I'm not saying anything bad about welfare for people who NEED it, it's for all the lazy people who pop out a kid left & right, & use it as an excuse. Did you know my mom died when giving birth to my youngest brother, there's 7 of us kids & my dad has 3 jobs but it doesn't even pay all the bills. When my dad got laid off from one of them, the government WOULDN'T GIVE US JUST A LITTLE Help TIL MY DAD COULD FIND ANOTHER JOB. So we went sometimes without heat or something. Then I go to the store & see people on there IPHONES paying with food stamps. Tell me how they could live off the government & get iPhones & probably everything else that they want, when half the time I don't even have heat or a decent dinner. OH YEAH I'VE BEEN EATING RAMEN NOODLES & CABBAGE (yuck) the past 2 weeks for dinner. Ugh. I don't mean to go on about that, & I'm not looking for attention or pity. I just can't stand people who abuse welfare cause there too lazy to work when there's people who actually need it, but can't get it. *** the government