How to make an ICloud backup?

I need to make an ICloud backup for my new IPhone 4S, because I don't want to put in all of my contacts again, and I don't have a backup, according to my IPhone setup.

How to remove sim card from iphone 4s?

Need to return damaged phone, directions on the return envelope says to remove battery, sim card, SD card, any accessories.
But I have no idea how to do this, please help.

I smell burning smell in the living room?

My and my cousin and my uncle were home and I was watching tv and charged my iPhone, then I smelt something like a burnt toast, I check other rooms but it was only in living room, my cousin and could also smell it. I took my phone off charger and check any cables on tv but we don't know what it was, they smell has kind of gone now but I'm scared it may get worse

Good free Jailbreak that is easy?

I've been trying the redsn0w jailbreak and i almost get it to work but i can't quite get it… Does anyone know any good jailbreaks for an iphone 4 with ios 6 that is free and easy for a non-techy to do

Static/muffing sound in my Music?

So I listen to a lot of classical music. All my music are cds and I use apple's lossless convertor to put them into my iphone. However when I listen to them on my iphone 4s I normally hear a static sound or muffing sound. I have a Klipsch S3 headphone. I was thinking of getting better AKG headphones, will that help to remove the Static sound?/

Food journal app WITHOUT calorie counting?

Hi, I'm trying to gain some weight and get rid of some disordered eating habits with a nutritionist, and she wants me to record what I eat every day. Do any of you have recommendations for a food diary app for iPhone and/or iPad that DOESN'T keep track of calories? I'm trying NOT to focus on those.

How to add printer to iphone?

Iwanna use airprint on iphone 5 but it can't be added to iphone.dose anyone knows how to add printer ti iphone icould use airprint?