I found an iPhone in my dorm room! My wireless mouse fell between the bed and the wall (it's fixed and unmovable furniture) but my arm is skinny enough to reach back in there, and I found an iPhone (along with my mouse and an old empty smell proof baggy for the herb (I was dissapointed when it was empty. I don't know anything about iphones really, so I don't even know what model it is, 1, 2, 3g, 4, no clue… How do I tell this? Also, how do I unlock it? It's got the 4 digit unlock thing… It has no service, but that doesn't surprise me because whoever lost it lost it a while ago (there was a LOT of dust on it, could that mess it up?).Is there something I can download to break the password? Again, I have no idea how old it is or how long it was back there, so if the model matters in cracking it you'll have to tell me how to spot which model it is: p