Photos and video transfers to iphone 5?

Is it possible to transfer photos and downloaded videos from my android phone's sd card to my new Iphone 5, if so please tell me how

Added (1). I know but it cost extra and i don't wanna pay so can i do it myself?

How to bypass Activation screen on Verizon Iphone 5?

I bought a new iphone 5 on craigslist and when i went to the verizon to hook it up they told me that they can't because he didn't activated it, now verizon say they can't do nothing and apple said they can't do nothing. The person who sold it to is not picking up the phone. Now i'm stuck with the activation screen that is asking me for billing information and las 4 digits of Social Security.

Sync pictures from iPhone to computer?

I have like 2, 000 pictures on my iPhone… And I have never synced them to my computer so they are taking up a lot of space on my phone. I do not know how to get the pics on my computer. I have literally tried everything… When in recognizes my phone on my photoshop it says I have no pictures, and I can't figure out how to do it through Word (or if you even can). I have an HP and I need help, please!

Why can't I send messages on my iPhone 4?

For some reason, completely out of the blue, my phone stopped being able to send text and iMessages. I still have service and can receive messages, make and receive phone calls, and use the Internet, but every time I try to send a message the seshing bar fills up almost all the way, and then the message just disappears. Any way to be able to send messages would be amazing, thank you

Why does my iPhone 4S battery die so quickly? - 1

Everyday I turn off all the running apps and shut down my phone which is at 100% and then when I get home from school it's at 60% without me doing anything. My friend Hannah's did the same thing and her friend did something to it and now it loses only like 4% in 6 hours while playing on it all day but i don't know what she did. Do you know what she might of done or how you can fix this?