I found an iphone 5 can i use it?

I have taken the sime out and threw it away in the middle of now where and then phone is off atm and i'm going to buy an iphone 5 cable tomorrow and restore it to it orgiginal settings. Or will the police still be bale to find the phone

Added (1). *SIM

Can I activate an iPhone (currently have a blackberry)?

I'm with verizon and I have a blackberry. The reason why I haven't upgraded to the iPhone on a contract is because I have the unlimited data plan and if I sign a contract to get the iPhone i forfeit my grandfathered unlimited data plan. So to keep the data plan I need to buy the physical phone itself with no contract.

So now my question is, right now I have a blackberry so I guess I'm on the blackberry network or whatever (i don't know the technicalities with cellphones). If I deactivate my blackberry can I activate the iPhone I just bought or do I have to take it into the verizon store?

The thing is that I'm in college and my parents are the one who are the account owners and right now they are in NY and dealing with the crisis of the store so they can't help me.

How much is 2gb of internet on the iphone 4s?

For each month? I tend to use the internet a lot but I don't use it for videos or anything. I use it for twitter, instagram, snapchat, facebook and things of that sort.
Do you think I would go over 2gb of internet a month if I used those things daily? Of course when I'm at home i would use Wi-Fi, but when I'm out and about or when I'm not near a Wi-Fi connection.
So like 2-3 hours of internet with no Wi-Fi a day?
would I be okay?
or should I be more careful?
I'm with Verizon by the way.

How does it work for Iphones pay as you go?

My friend's Iphone contract ends soon and he was thinking of unlocking his Iphone to put a pay as you go sim card. Does that work? Will it be the same price plan as with any other phone? He is currently with Vodafone and its an Iphone 4.
We believe pay as you go is just so much cheaper than contracts.

Why do my DELETED contacts still show up in my iPhone?

When I go to "new message" and start typing a name it will show a DELETED contact's name. For instance, my friend changed his number. I deleted that contact & made a new one for him. Whenever I go to type a message, the old DELETED contact shows up with his new contact. IT IS So FRUSTRATING.