Downloading iTunes 10.7 - will this delete all old iTunes data?

Just got the iPhone 5, but my computer want me to get iTunes 10.7 first. I thought it just meant update, but when I went to Check for Updates it said I have the current version. If I download it from the Apple site, will it overwrite everything from my old iTunes? (like delete my songs, playlists, apps, etc?)

Is there an inexpensive way to turn spoken words into written words?

I'm looking for a software that records my voice and puts it into words. I need your help into finding a software that is:

1. Under 110 dollars
2. Works well with Toshiba labtops
3. Works on Microsoft 2007 or some kind of word processor
4.Is easy to use
5. And the added technology to use this is minimum or at the very least inexpensive (Meaning microphone, etc.)
6. Something that I do not have to look through a haystack to find
7. Highly liked and recommended
8. Understands my voice fairly well
9.Is not an app on an Iphone/IPod (I do not have one)
10.Is not download-able, and does not use too much of my computers memory (Does not matter the size: my computer is 5 or more years old)

There, that's easy!

Help my iphone 4 front camera is blurry?

I'm a new iphone 4 user and my front facing camera is really grainy. The back camera is crystal clear. Is it the software? The guy who sold it upgraded it to the latest I think.

Could i use an Iphone whithout paying the montly phone bill?

I'm planing to buy an Iphone but for right now i can't afford the montly phone bill, i know i could get an ipod touch ad problem solve but i want to use the phone service later on when i could aford it. But i was wondering if i could use Wi-Fi on my iphone and play games without a phone plan.