How to access icloud on my iphone after logging into the icloud via another phone?

I lost my iPhone last night… Halloween (self-explanatory). My iPhone wherever it is has no power and I attempted to find it through logging into icloud through another cell phone on my family plan, however after logging into icloud on another phone, I was unable to access the contacts, find my iphone, and notes from my lost iphone.

What can I do to resync my old iPhone with the cloud without deactivating the phone or filing a court order to get AT & T to find it through GPS?

I just want to find my phone and can't because cloud synced everything with another phone

My iPhone 5 has been acting up a lot?

Ok. So It said no network connection when I go to fb or safari when I have my Wi-Fi on. And Wi-Fi been turn off by itself. I got this phone about 1 week ago. It been pissing me off. Why this phone acting weird? It's said no network connection a lot of times. What should I do?

Rugby union App's for iPhone or Mac?

Has anyone got any good suggestions for live rugby score Apps/websites? I'm looking for one that will give me Plymouth Albion scores live, and as of yet i havnt found any decent sites…

I've bought a stolen iphone

So a few weeks ago my beloved iphone was stolen. Being the iphone lover i'm, i couldnt last a week without it so i was desperate enough to get on ebay and purchase one. Today i got my iphone, chucked my sim in there but there was no signal, so popped down to my local vodafone for them to tell me it was reported stolen! What do i do now! Have i essentially just lost £735?

How to transfer photos from your iphone to a usb stick or sd card? - 1

I have a 16 gb iphone… I will go to disneyland and i want to take many photos and videos.(i don't have a camera and i can't spend money to buy now) so i need something just in case that my memory gets full i can transfer photos or videos to somewhere else…
i know about iflash usb not so well but i think that it takes a lot of time to transfer… Do you know something else?
and please don't tell me to take my pc with me cause i will not…

Cheapest iphone 4 individual data plan?

So I want to get an iphone 4. With only an data plan! What is the cheapest individual data plan? I was thinking the $15/month but that's only for family plans I hear. What is the cheapest individual iphone 4 plan? And if for some reason I can't have a individual iphone data plan only can I with other iphones?

IPhone microphone to record video at a Rave?

I recorded with my IPhone 4s on Drum and Bass night in Fabric London and the videos came out very well, also the sound was great but where the bass was very high it doesn't sound that good and was wondering if anyone knows which microphone are great for rave recording that the sound sounds amazing.

Wuaab Wuaab Wuaab