A disguised case for the iPhone 5?

Is there case that makes the iphone 5 look like anything but a phone or electronic device? I know there's a pad&quill product called pocket book but other than that i don't see anything else, are there more out there i don't know about?

How to cancel a text message on a iPhone 4S?

We all have accidentally texted the wrong person the wrong thing. How do you stop a sending message?

It's a pain to explain to people the situation after you realize you sent them the wrong thing.

Where to buy New Unlocked iPhone 4s online?

My Mom told me she's getting me an iPhone 4s because I have all A's at Class. Our carrier is T mobile and tmobile doesn't have iPhones. And my Step dad doesn't want to change our carrier. So where can we buy a New and Unlocked iPhone 4s? Just the 16Gb. I prefer the White.

My iPhone is updating slowly?

I was in the middle of updating my phone when I had to rush out to go somewhere. I ejected my usb from my computer. Then my iPhone froze and said that I needed to plug my iPhone to iTunes. I did as it said, but iTunes started telling me that I needed to restore it. I clicked "restore" on iTunes and it said it had to update and restore. It started updating and it said it was going to take FOURTEEN hours. It's currently updating. It says "13 hours remaining".Is it supposed to do this? I'm not able to turn on my phone at all. It would always tell me to plug my phone to iTunes.

If I sync my iPhone with a new computer will it erase my camera roll?

Is there any other way get my camera roll onto computer bc the videos are very long and they don't go on computer, also my old computer was messed up so I couldn't do anything and it used 10 GB for pics that I didn't have! So I wanted sync to new one and start fresh but I don't wanna lose all pics on my camera roll

IPhone 4s poor battery life? - 2

My mom has a 4s and she uses it about 1 hour of talk time, and about 2 hours of using web browsing, calendar, reminders, maps, and siri a day and it goes to about 45% at the end of the day before she charges it. I think this is pretty poor even compared to HTC's despicable battery life. Any help on conservation on battery life or ultimately a fix?

IPhone 4 working with metro pcs?

I just bought an iPhone 4 (sprint, iOS 5.1.1, bad ESN)
What do I have to do to get it to work with metro pcs?
Will the Internet and mms work?
I bought it for $165 mint condition just the phone plus got knows how much will cost to get it to work with metro.
was it a ripoff? What do you Guys think?

How to download music on my iPhone without using iTunes?

I don't like the fact that I have to pay to buy music on my iPhone when I was able to download music for free when I had my HTC Rhyme. Can someone tell me how I can download music on my iPhone without iTunes? I do not want to download any free music app, i just want music to be in the music section of my iPhone 4s