Is there any hope for my iPhone?

I dropped my iPhone in a toilet yesterday. I grabbed it out right away, and the screen was still on. It was very very dim, and it wasn't recognizing my touch. My friend somehow finally got it to turn off and i put it in a bag of rice. It was in the bag from about 8pm to 9am the next day. I just decided to take it out and try to turn it on. When the phone didn't power on, i figured it was dead. So i plugged it into the wall to see if it would turn on that way. It didn't.nothing happened at all. So i put it back in the rice. Is there any hope that if i keep it in the bag longer, it'll turn on? Or is there anything else i can do to fix it?

Does the iPhone operate on 3g only?

I'm contemplating getting the iPhone on a no contract network. I was reading a review online that said it operates on 3g only. Is that with all iPhone models on any carrier network or do certain carriers allow 4g usage for the iPhone?

IPhone 3G black screen

I replaced my faulty LCD on my iPhone 3G this morning. When I put in the new LCD and turned the phone on the display looked a bit dim and faded, so I unhooked cable 1, 2&3 with the phone still on then reconnected the cables. Now the screen isn't turning on at all, the phone is on because it vibrates and makes noises, but the screen is just black. I had a look on google and I think the problem is that I unhooked and reconnected the cables with the phone on, apparently the phone should be off before you fiddle about with it. I've tried removing the motherboard and restoring the phone on iTunes, but the screen remains black. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Downloading cracked apps without Jailbreaking?

Right, this question is a little different from the title but I didn't know how to phrase it, I have an iPod that is Jailbroken and has a lot of cracked apps which are now on iTunes, my question is, I now have an iPhone and want to know of those cracked apps can be put on my iPhone *without* Jailbreaking the phone?

Why is my iPhone getting No Service?

So I found an iPhone 4 and waited for the owners to pick it up however they never did, so I kept it. (So don't start with your TAKE IT TO THE POLICE crap)

The iPhone is in good condition and everything works perfectly well, however it is jailbroken. It's getting No Service. I've tried restoring it, getting Ultrasn0w, restoring with Sn0wbreeze, ect. I don't really know what to do now. I've not tried downgrading but I'm about to, does anything else work? Any help would be amazing!

Added (1). Also it was on an O2 sim before, I have tesco, which works with O2 phones.

Why is most teenager say cool story bro?

It's been more than a year but I still don't get why people keep saying that. It's everywhere like the Internet, t-shirts and even iPhone case. What's the reason? Who started it?

Is it worth getting an iPhone?

I'm thinking about getting an iPhone in a few months, but it would have to be second-hand because I can afford the expensive new ones! But even the second-hand ones are not cheap, so that's why I'm asking, is it worth getting one?

Added (1). Also, if I did get one it would be around December

Can an iPhone IMEI number possibly be changed?

I recently had my iPhone 3GS stolen from me.

The police have arrested somebody today who they saw on CCTV using MY bank card and found a 32GB White iPhone 3GS (my exact model) in his possession. However when I told them the IMEI number of my stolen phone it did not match to the one they had seized.

so is it possible for the robber to have changed the phone's IMEI number?

Help would be much appreciated As soon as possible please.

Switching service from Verizon - Virgin mobile?

My wife has been after me to switch; I guess at this point I don't mind. However, my service is configured for verizon. Is it quiet the process to switch my iPhone over to Virgin mobile?