Wich Iphone 4 case has most pertection?

I'm going to buy the Iphone 4 tmr. It's going to be white. I would like to get a case just for fun. I would also like to get a pertectable case for when I drop it. Any ideas for both?

Does updating my IPhone 4 to version 5.11 delete my photos, apps, or music?

Ok so I bought an Iphone 4 almost a year ago and haven't updated it at all. My friends say its a good idea to but i don't want to risk my data. I'm with bell if its important. I also don't want to go over my monthly usage. So when I'm on Itunes I always back it up and transfer my data. It tells me it couldn't transfer some things. Then when I go to click update, it says there are some things on your Iphone that havecould not been transferred, do you want to continue? So I click continue and it says updating will delete all my apps and to preserve them, I have to update on the computer where I sync them. What is all this? I want my update but I don't want to lose any data! Please and thank you for helping.

Can you use an unlocked Iphone with Virgin Mobile?

I recently found out that Virgin Mobile now sells Iphones with their beyond talk plans. I've always wanted one but they can get real expensive! I would consider getting one if the plan is only 55 bucks a month. I'm not really sure how these types of things work but if I was able to get my hands on an unlocked Iphone would I be able to use that to register it with Virgin Mobile or would I have to buy one from them for it to work?

My iPhone won't connect to my Wi-Fi? - 1

My iPhone 4S internet won't work when connected to my Wi-Fi.
My Wi-Fi is definitely working because I'm using it now, and other people in my house have had no problems at all with it.
Over the past 2 days, my iPhone has said that it's connected to Wi-Fi but when it's "connected" iMessenger, Safari and other apps that use the internet won't work.
What should I do?

Added (1). Also, it doesn't work even when no one else in the house is connected to the internet.

Can't receive any new messages on my gmail account

I tried sending through my iphone a file attachment, twice, to my gmail account, and nothing has come up in my inbox. I'm not sure if its a glitch in the system or what, but I'd much appreciate some help with this!

Does it cost money to create an apple ID?

So yesterday I got an iPhone 4s I'm still tryna figure it out. I've been trying to download Facebook an put a ringtone on it an when I go to create the ID it asks for a credit card number, so I was just wondering if it costs money?

How to get my iphone photos back

So recently I dropped my iPhone 3gs on the floor and the screen went white, if I press the lock button it goes black and if I press it again it goes white. The commands for voice control still work and the it can play music etc. I've tried all day to fix it but nothings work. I really need my photos off it because I want to reset it and they are seriously so important, what can I do!

Iphone 4s vs Droid Razr Maxx? - 1

So I broke my phone over spring break and I never got a new one. I'm on the last string. I'm going to buy one soon and those are the two that are contesting for the spot. Which one do you think I should get and why?

Why won't Instagram let me see who is following me and who I'm following?

I just downloaded the Instagram app to my iPhone last night and when I click on the far right tab to see my profile, I try to press on "followers" and "following" but nothing happens. It says I have two followers and I'm following 5 people, but I can't see who I'm following or who is following me. Nothing happens when I press them. However, when I go on someone else's profile, I can click on their followers and see who they are following no problem. Do you think this is happening because I just downloaded the app yesterday? Please help! Thank you.

Added (1). I just deleted the app and reinstalled it and it still is not working.