Which is better? Android or iPhone?
Poll: Which is better? Android or iPhone?
Poll: Which is better? Android or iPhone?
It seems like the phone is still working because it still makes noise when I touch the buttons and my alarm still went off this morning but the screen is completely black. It is in rice now but is that still the best solution if everything is working except my screen? And I know I'm supposed to turn it off but I can't because the screen won't work.
How long have you been using it and how many times have you dropped it?
I've been using my iPhone 4 for almost 1 year and I only dropped it 3 times, at least that's all I remember… What about you?
I have an Iphone 4s. Earphones stopped working in it, even apple ones. When I plug earphones in the music still plays from the phone speaker. Iv pushed and pulled at the earphones and still nothing. Iv rebooted the phone twice. Anybody know what's going on?
I'm 17 years old and recently i've been seriously depressed as life is starting to go against me and I really don't know what to do. In High School I have been verbally bullied for 3 years straight about something I NEVER did and this guy made up about me for no reason and it's really embarrasing. It's still taunting me now as well. I've also recently had theft come into my life as my bike was stolen in my garage and the police did nothing about it and my PE kit knicked several times. Also, the month I take the insurance off my Iphone it gets water damaged from a little rain and i have to pay for a new phone and simply don't have the money. I've never had a girlfriend and never even heard a girl say she likes me and also have seriously bad acne which doctors medication couldn't even help.
I'm starting to get seriously frustrated as i have done nothing wrong and people seem to just target me and get seriously bad luck and no good luck.
What shall I do?
I want to buy iphone or galaxy s3 for just $200 without any contract. I'm from india and my some relatives live in usa and canada. So is there any way that they get me the newiphone 4s or galaxy s3 for just$200 and they have to pay nothing else.
I just got a new iPhone 4S replacement because my old one broke. My warrantee got me a new one for free. I took it home to sync to iTunes and it just exploded like 10 seconds into the sync. The whole bottom right corner of the phone blew off including the home button, half of the steel band, and some of the screen. Will my warrantee cover explosions like this since it was iTunes fault?
P.S. I synced it with iTunes on a 2001 HP laptop.
A while back my friend face me his old iPhone 3G. It had a cracked screen but worked fine otherwise. But when tried grttig a sim for it it wouldn't work. So now that I can't use it as a phone and I have an iPod I was thinking of selling it. How much would you guys think I could sell it for?
I'm from india and have seen iphone 4s for $199 on contract. My some relatives live in usa and canada and i want them to send the new iphone 4s to me here without taking the contract and just pay $199.is that possilble.
Odd question… I know! I was wondering if there was an app you can download which can track friends/boyfriends by using their mobile number? I'm not a stalker but I have my reasons lol. I've heard you can do it but alot of these are fakes. I have an iphone but most of my friend/boyfriend have Samsung with android market etc. Will this work?