Is a 100MB or a 200MB data plan for an iPhone 4s better?

I have Wi-Fi at home and I'm home about 70% of the time. I know I won't be using a lot of data, just some for Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter when I'm not home. But I don't know how long 100MB will last me and how much/often I'd be able to use it when I'm not connected to Wi-Fi. So is 100MB good enough or should I go with 200MB?

My iPhone speakers won't work?

I went for a swim yesterday and my phone got wet. I accidentally dropped it. Anyways. My iphone speakers won't work now, i have to use a headset to hear the music, when i put it into speaker it doesn't show any volume button below, and there's this blue triangle more like a play symbol like this ► in the side of the battery percent, you know what i mean,?

Can't upload pictures to iphone from itunes?

When my iphone is synced i check my photos section and then look for the folder of pictures and click on it and it turns out that everything is empty in it from viewing it from the itunes application. However when i do it outside of itunes the pictures are all there, when i tried syncing it to the iphone and transfer the pictures from the computer nothing turned out in the iphone camera roll after. Someone wanna help me? Basically, when i sync my iphone i have the option to choose what folders in my files and when i check through those folders there are no pictures in it when i use the itune app to sync, how do i fix this?

Please I NEED Help

Activate iphone 4s 5.1.1 without sim card?

I bought an iphone 4s (canada-craiglist) but it wasn't activated and i didn't get it with a sim card so i was wondering if there was any way i can activate it permanetly, i know about that little trick with the emergency numbre 112 but its not permanent. I don't mind jailbraiken it but It says i have to activate. So if any one knows a way that i can acivate it permanetly please tell me and you don't want to buy anything, something completly free.

He ejaculated in me a week before my period, is pregnancy possible?

He ejaculated a week before my period, is pregnancy possible?

we had unprotected sex last night && we were in a "cowgirl" position.of course, i didn't want to stop and he couldnt get me off. After we had sex, he said he ejaculated in side me.
i'm expecting my next period in about a week or so.
also, we had unprotected sex twice last week (during ovulation time according to my Menstrual Calendar app on my iPhone) but he didn't shoot in me, only pre-c u m.

are my chances of pregnancy high?

How to import music from itunes to iphone?

I bought a album and put the CD in my computer (on itunes, connected to my iphone.) iTunes said it was uploaded onto my phone but when I go to music nothing is there. How do you upload music from itunes to your computer (like the album I bought.)

Has anyone bought an iphone from

I found them while browsing through ebay, they had a link to their site from one of their listings. BBB acknowledges them but no helpful information. Also googled for reviews and complaints, found nothing.

Added (1). So I've decided to fill out the order form using fake information incl a fake cc # and I received an email that my order has been processed. I guess I answered my own question! Hopefully this info is helpful to others as well. Also decided to google map the address and all I see is a trailer park, enough said! No offense to anyone living in a trailer park lol

Can apple replace/repair my Iphone 4s for free?

I want to fix my shattered iphone 4s screen. I dropped it when i was walking with my friends with books, laptop, and a jacket in my hand It's still working(i'm actually typing this down). But my parents don't know that i broke my phone, i don't even know what they'll do if they find out ):. But will apple repair iphones if it's under a year for free? If not, can i get a new one iphone if i have insurance?

How to Do Jailbreak To My Iphone?

Do you have any link which is showing how to do Jailbreak to Iphone?
Also, is this process gonna delete my current photos, musics, applications?