Survey: How many apple products do you own?
I have:
- iPhone 4
- iPod touch 4G
- iPod nano
- iPod shuffle
Added (1). NOT THE FRUIT
I have:
- iPhone 4
- iPod touch 4G
- iPod nano
- iPod shuffle
Added (1). NOT THE FRUIT
Somehow i accidentally silenced my dads contact on my iphone 4s. Next to his name is has a crossed out bell and whenever i get a text it does not tell me at all. Anyone know how to fix it? I tried going to his contact and editing it but everything looks normal?
I have a jailbroken iphone 4s and i want my free music to be in my default music app
My computer had a virus so saving/copying my old music folder won't work. With Itunes and transferring purchases there are only 275 music files. I have almost 800 on my phone. All I have to work with is a single file where I had exported my library 2 weeks ago. Is there anything I can do to restore the rest of my files? It would be ok if I was able to just add my new music I got today(don't ask not the source of the virus) on my iphone but Itunes says I must erase to do anything with it. 11 free gbs on a 64gb iphone is a lot of erasing and restoring its really just the music I want to save the rest doesn't matter Apps came from the App store.
How can you tell a factory unlock phone? IPhone?
In the last few days, all of a sudden, my iPhone battery drains extremely fast. Usually when it is in lock mode, it doesn't drain at all. Now it goes down fast even when the phone is not in use. And it is also taking longer to charge. Has Apple uploaded some new software recently that would screw this up?
I already did a reset, but that doesn't seem to work. Are there any apps that can improve battery life?
My basic phone just broke and I want to buy an iPhone, but I don't know which cell phone company to get it with. I don't really talk much on the phone so I'd probably only need 450 minutes, I text a lot so i'd need unlimited text messaging, and I'd want an unlimited data plan. Which company would be the cheapest for those preferences? And if I stay with Verizon, would the price be different since I'm on a family plan with 3 other people? We currently have unlimited text messaging and 750 shared minutes, but no one has a smart phone, so no data.
Ok so my dumb brother put some kind of juice in my cars cupholder and didn't clean it and when i put my music to my car i put my iphone in the cupholder and my iphone just died and when i connect it to the computer it shows the usb cable pointing towards a itunes symbol. So when i connect to itunes i tried to recover it and it almost finishes but says Error can't restore. I jailbroke my phone long time ago. Please tell me what to do! I don't have money to fix it and no warranty! Please
Well i plugged in my iphone, clicked restore and now it says this and i can't finish restoring it. What it the software its downloading?
I jail-broke my iphone (4S) 3 months ago and now my power button is broken. I can't click it so now my phone isn't able to lock (unless I leave it untouched) and turn off. My insurance warranty is still on so I could be able to fix it. So if I restore my phone and give it to Apple. Will they find out? And I also have some scratches on the sides and corners on my phone, will they be able to fix the power button and the scratches? And if I tell them about the power button, and they see the scratches and stuff, will they just fix it by themselves without me telling them or what. LOL. And how much is the insurance again? I kinda forgot. I have sprint.