What do i do when my iphone says it does not have enough storage?

It says that i don't have enough storage to update my apps. I deleted a few videos already. And i don't have much apps. How do i make it so i can update them? Plus i have an ipad thats connected to my iphone, but still the same mail comes through and everything.

IPhone 3G screen keeps flickering?

So i've dropped my phone and stuff before but never had this problem and everything was going fine but then today i went for a run and turned off the phone and put it in my sports bra. I ran for a half hour and when i came home i turned it back on and was texting and noticed that the light keeps flickering it will get really bright to dim and rapidly changes from light to dim. Is this just a problem that will go away on its own? I don't want to bring the phone in because i don't have insurance to fix it or get a new one i've only had it for about 6 or 7 months and if it can be fixed how can i do so?

Unlocking an iphone 3g 4.2.1 && firmware 05.15.04?

I have an iphone 3g 4.2.1 and firmware 05.15.04 and i need it unlocked so i can use it for straight talk- Please someone help me out- i have searched, searched, searched… Please please please its very important!

Lost all my music on itunes, but I think I have a solution?

So, last night I was going through all my documents and folders and I was deleting a bunch of music to free up some space. While doing this, I accidentally deleted All my music. I had about 3500 songs, so about 17 gigabytes of music. I still have all the songs on my iPod and iPhone, so I was thinking if there was any way I could move the music from my iPod to a jump drive or something and just move all the files back to iTunes? I looked in recycle bin, all my folders and i was only able to recover about 40 songs/artists. Would my solution work? Because I don't want to risk losing all my music if i have a chance to save it.

Why is my Iphone 3G texting bubble blue?

I have a jailbroken iphone running on ios 4.2.1 and somehow my texting bubble is blue? Does that mean i'm using imessage or is that the old color for the iphone 3G? Imreally not sure and i would like to know because using imessage would be terrific!

Dropped my iphone 3 in milk?

I dropped my iphone in a glass of milk, the glass was nearly empty so it didn't go deeper then the top speaker, i imminently dried it out under a hair drier and it is now drying outside. This happened about 5 minutes ago and now none of the speakers not even the bottom ones are working. Is there anything i can do?

Added (1). Well it was to hard to bite into so i figured the milk would soften is up like an Oreo

Screen on/off button on my iPhone 4s doesn't work?

Its very hard to push all the sudden like its stuck. I had it in a otterbox defender series since the day I bought it and nothing has been spilled on it or anything not sticky or anything whatsoever. I have it through at&t and have a warranty just wondering if I should should go there or right to an apple store. Any help would be appreciate thank you.

Should I buy an iPhone 4S off of Craiglist?

A lot of people seem reluctant to buy iPhones off of Craigslist, but I'm not sure why. At least someone can test out the phone to make sure it's working with Craigslist, something that's not possible with eBay. Because if I bring my SIM card to the transaction, I'll be able to know if it's working or not, right?

So what do you think of buying iPhones off of Craiglist. Answers from people who have actually done this would be especially appreciated.

I can't see all the photos I liked on instagram

I have an iPhone 4S and I have instagram on it. Lately I haven't been able to see All the photos I've liked that other people have posted. Is there like a maximum photo amount of photos you can like? Please answer!

My iPhone is stuck on apple boot logo?

My jailbroken iPhone 4S is stuck on the white apple boot logo. I'm trying to use redsn0w to restore it and the newest redsn0w doesn't support the 5.1.1 recovery. What is the most recent version that works with the new version of redsn0w?