How to delete iPhone autocorrects?

A while ago while trying to type "night" I accidentally wrote Níght. Now every time I type night it autocorrects to the misspelled version. How do I reset this? I've tried reseting the keyboard and that didn't help. Any help would be appreciated.

Want to text from Canada to USA and back?

Okay, here's the situation.

I have a friend in the USA. I live in Canada. We want to text eachother for free. I have an iPhone 4, she has a T-Mobile Prism. We both have unlimited texting. She does not have Data, I have 6 GB of Data (so using data for me in order to text her will be no problemo!)

What can we do in order to text eachother for free?

I thought that if I download one of those free texting apps, I could text her for free, but then I thought she may be charged long-distance to text me back at the texting app.

So, what can we do?

Added (1). She has no Appstore on her phone. And I'm the Canadian friend xD

Can i update my iphone if i'm jailbroken?

I have an iphone 4 and i'm on 5.0.1 and i can do the software update right off my phone, so can i update it even though i'm jailbroken? Will i lose my photos and etc? Please i really want to update. Or is there any way to unjailbreak without losing my data?

IPhone 4GS charger not working?

I just got a new IPhone 4GS 2 weeks ago and charger suddenly stops working. I don't know why and now my phone is dead. I tried a different cube thing and I tried charging through my computer but it won't work. The head of the charger where it goes in the phone seems to be fine so why isn't it charging?

How to clean a white iPhone 4?

It's really dirty on the home button. And on the edges. Like it has black spots. Also I have this case and i wanna take it off but I can't. I think it's stuck, i don't know. Can I use windex or another product to clean the screen/back?

IPhone 4s: Bumper case vs Case?

I'm getting an iPhone 4s and I was wondering what will protect it more, a bumper case? Or just a silicone case? Also, what's a bumper case for?

How to transfer a ringtone from itunes to iphone 4s?

I watched the video on youtube and got the ringtone on itunes but when i sync the ipod the ringtone doesn't go to the iphone.

heres the video: [v2] How to Make iPhone Ringtones for Free Using iTunes (PC Version)