Best music downloading app on the iPhone?
What's the best music downloading app on the iPhone
If there's any way to get free music onto the iPod player that would be great.
What's the best music downloading app on the iPhone
If there's any way to get free music onto the iPod player that would be great.
So i dropped my iphone and the entire back of it is shattered. Like the glass is still there but its completely cracked up. I have to hide this from my dad at least until december so i bought a case to hide it.
but i don't want the shards of glass to come off, so i was wondering if i put tape on the entire back side of my phone would that keep the glass pieces from falling off under the case?
I will always be on my iphone in bed until 3 in the morning. I know that's the problem but i do it every night it's addicting. Any tips how to stop? Even when i don't use it i'm still awake until 3 in the morning and I have go wake up at 7 for school.
Like i want to do a POV with my iPhone. I plan to record on the Titan at Six Flags Over Texas. What should i do to not loose or break the phone, but still record the ride?
I'm looking for a good texting/messaging app for the iPhone. It doesn't matter if the app is free or not. Any suggestions?
Does using the internet while Iphone on 4g cost money?
Like a dumb *** I locked my iPhone and forgot the password. After many attempts, i completely locked my phone. And its disabled. I have over 5000 pictures in there, about 3 years of memories with me and my family, my grandma, grandpa, vacations, holidays. If i go to the at&t store, will they be able to save my photos before restoring it? And does it cost money?
its is an updates iPhone 4… Its not the siri, just a regular iPhone 4
I uploaded hundreds of pictures onto my laptop and tried to crop/ edit some photos but I can't even edit them because "they are in PNG format." In order to change the format I have to open each individual photo onto Paint and "save as" into JPEG format. How can I just upload the photos from my iphone automatically into JPEG format? Or is there a quicker way to change the format, rather then doing it one by one?
I have the cricket iPhone and I can send texts perfectly fine but I'm not recieving messages! I only receive messages when someone calls my phone then I get them all. I have tried everything, please I need your help! And FYI my sister has the same phone and she has 0 troubles
I just got my iPhone 4. When I turned it on for the first time, I started setting it up. I put my language and country, but it's not letting me connect to my router. In the top left corner it says "no service," but I had it activated. I'm very confused as I have never had an iPhone before. Any and all help is appreciated.