IPhone 4 No service after jailbreak?

Okay I've had this problem for a long time now… I jailbroke my phone somewhere around may and for a month my phone was working fine. Then all of a sudden I lost service and my phone said I needed to restore so I did that. I had signal again but then a few days later the message popped up again and I restored it again, and when it happened again I restored my phone as a new one and I would still lose service. So this has been going on for a couple of months and it seems I have to restore my phone every single day. Btw my phone is locked to AT&T and I got it from their store…

My iphone 3gs screen is frozen?

I was just using it normally & the screen froze when i was on the app THUMB, and it won't work! The screen is dim and frozen, it won't turn off, it won't let me exit the app, its just completey frozen and it has been this way for like 20 minutes, what do i do?

Replace iphone 4s with the iphone 5?

I just got a iphone 4s a few months ago, then it fell in the pool! , we called apple and they said they would just send me a new phone for $200… But then i realized they're making the iphone 5 and it will be realesed in a few weeks… Is it possible that i can get my iphone 4s replaced with the 5 or do you think they'll just make me get the 4s? I really want the 5

What do you call this kind of screen protector?

So what do you call the screen protector for the iPhone 4s which only covers the screen, not the bottom part where the home button is and not the top part where the camera is on the front. It's because I have a decal skin on it and most screen protectors I found cover the entire front face which is inconvenient in this case.

Starcall Iphone App doesn't work?

I recently bought a new iphone but my starcall application doesn't work.
Is there anyone that can help me with it?
I have tried rebooting, reinstalling, updating my iphone

Hope anyone can help me

My iphone 4 is jailbroken on 5.1.1 and now cydia won't open

Or any apps i downloaded off of installous. I've had it for about a week and then my phone died, once i recharged it, it was like i never jailbroke it but i still have cydia and installous and the apps i got for free but now none of them open, they all crash immediately, even safari does… Help please?

IPhone 4 speakers don't work?

So, I bought a new iPhone.
Immediately I realized that the speakers for it do not work.
The phone is NOT in silent mode, I've tried blowing in the speaker and headphone jack.
The sound works fine when I'm calling someone.
It doesn't think it's in headphone mode.

I'm so confused.
Any suggestions?

I can't move my neck to the left or down. Very stiff. What could be wrong?

My left neck muscle between my neck and shoulder is hard as a rock, while the right side is normal/bit plush.

Last night I realized I couldn't move my head to the left. I had dinner, ate some seafood, went dancing for a few minutes, and then that was it. I carried a small purse on my left shoulder that had a camera in it, an iPhone and some cash. Nothing out of the norm.

I slept, and today I feel the muscle is hard, and I can't move my head down now. I feel like I'm pulling something that's tight. It hurts when I move it toward the left.

What are your thoughts? I don't have a fever. I'm normally an active/healthy person. I don't have healthy insurance and I'm a broke college student; I'm so scared.

I can't move my neck to the left or down. Very stiff. What could be wrong? - 1

My left neck muscle between my neck and shoulder is hard as a rock, while the right side is normal/bit plush.

Last night I realized I couldn't move my head to the left. I had dinner, ate some seafood, went dancing for a few minutes, and then that was it. I carried a small purse on my left shoulder that had a camera in it, an iPhone and some cash. Nothing out of the norm.

I slept, and today I feel the muscle is hard, and I can't move my head down now. I feel like I'm pulling something that's tight. It hurts when I move it toward the left.

What are your thoughts? I don't have a fever. I'm normally an active/healthy person.