Are the items listed, suitable to bring in my carry on luggage?

Next week i'm going on an 8hr flight from London to Miami (No Stop) i'm going for a month and this is my first time on plane. So i'm unsure about the pros and cons off what and what not to bring.
I'm Flying with British Airways.

Everything listed below will be in my large hand bag, travelling with me.

Phone Charger.
Small notebook. (for my air
New Magazines or Book.
Mini Bites (the special K ones)
Water (Got from dutyfree)
Scarf / Shawl
Change of Underwear & Socks.
Cleansing wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Lip Balm / Chap Stick
Tissues (Pocket size pack).

Are all this items suitable?
do you think anything listed won't be needed?
or anything i should add to the list?

All answered are appreciated.ox

IPhone Email Difficulties - POP and IMAP? - 1

I currently have 3 email accounts set up on my iPhone. The primary one has recently somehow changed itself from a IMAP account to a POP account. I can no longer access older emails, like I had been able to with my IMAP account. The other two emails have stayed IMAP accounts. Is there any way for me to change it back. I'm thinking that this may have been caused by me beginning to use the Mail app on my MacBook? Not sure, but any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Does IMessage always work with Wi-Fi?

My mom is shutting off my iPhone, and temporarily restricting it. I have Wi-Fi in the house and I know it does help with iMessage. I can also download an app and text off of that. But should my regular iMessage work if I'm connected to the Wi-Fi in my house?

Why do I have the same two songs on my IPhone 4s?

I got the new iphone 4s. I downloaded the music i wanted and everything. I looked through my music and realized there were 5 songs that were duplicate. I had two of one song and two another song. Why do i have it and can i get rid of the duplicate

Apps disappearing on iPhone?

I have an iPhone 5S (version 5.1.1) and my apps are disappearing. I jailbroke my phone and downloaded a few apps from Installous. Recently they've been disappearing from my home screen. I searched my phone for them and they're no there. I've restarted my phone and had no result. I synced the apps to iTunes but it said I had no apps.

I dropped my iphone in the toilet - 1

Long story short; I was having a poo and my iphone slipped out of my hands and into the bowl. Please help, its 700 pound and my dad'll kill me if he finds out.PS: I've already put it in a bwl of rice, i've cleaned all the *** off it and dried and cleaned it off. But the flash is always on and it thinks there's headphones in. Help

Added (1). And also the home screen button isn't working. I'm hopiing on going to the apple store soon and i guess ill have to confess. I just hope ill be laughing about this day with my iphone in hand:'

Why aren't my emails being sent?

On my hotmail, I can receive emails but when I send them I get a delivery failure email that the email can't be sent even if I'm sending the email to a valid address.
I can't from my iPhone or even my laptop& pc.

what's wrong with it?
how do I get my emails to send.

* I use hotmail to send emails. It's my main account.

sorry if it's the wrong category, its the closest.

How to i get music off my new computer onto my iPhone 4s?

Okay so i had a new computer that my iphone was regestered on but then when we moved we lost a cord to it so that computer no longer works, so i got my old laptop out and reset it and my sister put some music on this itunes and i want it on my phone, so how do i get music off a different computer?