New computer, Iphone/Ipod syncing without losing music?

So basically I took my laptop in for repair and they installed a new operating system so everything was erased, including my itunes library. How do I sync to a new computer without losing music? I do not have copies and did not purchase the music from ITunes.

Geotagging on Instagram?

Just updated my version of Instagram and the whole geotag thing is pretty cool. I'd like to be able to geotag my previously uploaded pictures on Instagram as well, but I can't seem to figure that out. I delete all the pictures in my camera roll on my Iphone in order to save space. Is there a way to do this, manually or perhaps an app?

My iPhone turns itself off for no reason?

A couple of weeks ago I noticed my iPhone 4s turning off for no reason at random times. It's only when I lock the screen I can leave it for a few seconds or a few minutes but I go to wake it up again and press 1 of the buttons and the screen is just black. Sometimes just pressing the home button makes it turn back on sometimes I have to power it back on like normal and sometimes it won't turn on unless I hold the on button and the home button at the same time. It doesn't happen all the time just occasionally and at random times. Any ideas

Should I get an iPad or an iPhone?

I'm quit indecisive if I should just get a new phone and buy an iPad, or just get an iPhone. Either one works for me, but I'm not sure which one I should get. I'll probably be reading on it and surfing the web a lot.

Download music on iPhone without iTunes?

I'm getting an iPhone 4S soon and I was wondering if there are any free music downloading apps to download for any music. I do not want to use iTunes. Also, I'm wondering if I do have a free music downloading app, where does the music go? Like in Andriod, if you have a music downloading app it goes to the music folder of the phone… Does it do the same to an iPhone?

Problems restoring my iphone?

I jailbrok my iPhone 4s. I wanted to take fo the jailbreak so i went to restore it. It downloaded the lastest verion of apple and the started up the phone. When I went to activate it it says there were problems with connection how can i fix this?

My new iPhone 4s Battery dies quickly?

I got my white iPhone 4s a few days ago and I feel like the battery runs out pretty quickly… I turn the brightness down and completely shut down all off the applications at the bottom, but I feel like it still doesn't last very long… It'll go from 100 to 65 within a few hours… My sister has the black one and she says hers doesn't die too quickly. Any suggestions?

My iphone say s my icloud is almost full?

My phone says icloud is almost full and i did a thorough cleaning of my phone, I put all my pictures onto my computer, I deleted apps I know for a fact I don't/won't use anymore, notes, voice memos… And it still says its too full to back anything up, I just want to reset my phone because it's just going to slow anyway. How can I do that so it's like a brand new phone all over again?

No local storage space to update apps?

When I try to update my apps from my iPhone, it says there isn't enough local storage space. However, when I go on my computer I still have storage space left. Is there like a certain amount needed to update apps or what?