How to block websites on my iphone?

To be 100% honest I completely stalk my ex boyfriend on twitter haha and i'm trying to get out of the habit so I can get over this and I need to block his profile from safari (I already did it on the twitter app) but is there any way I can block specific websites on safari? I'd definitely use this for other reasons too haha sorry I'm a crazy ex girlfriend:/

Added (1). A free app please!

How to turn my iPhone 4 back on if my lock button is jammed?

My iPhone 4 randomly shut itself off today & my lock button is jammed, so there's no way of turning my phone back on. It had more than half it's battery life & I tried charging it to see if it died & it didn't work. How can I get it to turn back on if the lock button isn't working?

My Iphone does not charge at all?

My iphone 4 on ios 5.0.1 has been having problems charging. Every time I plug it in with official apple cords, I get a message saying accessory not supported. I have tried everything, from cleaning the dock to buying a new cord, and I'm pretty sure it has no water damage.

Working three jobs and school?

I'm 19 years old currently living in florida, I have a passion for cooking, sales, and fashion plus I'm pretty computer savoy! I'm currently working a strictly commison sales job for a shoe cleaner company. The money is alright but the experience I learned from working for almost three years for this company is priceless. But time is money and I definitly wanna pursue my dream of owning my own restaurant. With all my monthly expense's its hard to cover them with just one source of income especially one thats sometimes inconsistent. That's why I've been looking into another source of income like another job. Or two haha. Thats where you come in. I just need adivce from someone who's been there and done that. I currently am waiting on a call from Michael Kors for a sales position that I can't wait to take up, but I'm also looking to work in the resturant industry to get my foot in the door to owning my own seafood restaurant. If I could I'd build and sell iPhone applications at home or at school. My question is what I'm doing even right? Do I continue to go about things the way I've been or do I just go to school and work at a restaurant? I I just wanna be the best I can be and I just need advice on how to get there.

IPhone or Andriod for High School/College Student?

I'm going to be a Junior in High School and I'm getting a new phone and I want to have the same one for when I go into college. What do you prefer would be a better phone for a high schooler? I'm looking for something VERY easy to text on, fast web browsing, and easily accessible email. Also just a bunch of really cool features that will wow me.

Where can i get an iphone 4 tripod?

I want one where it can stand on the ground. Cause all of the ones i find are like… Really small. And for tables. I'm using this for photography. Please and thank you!

Can iPhone headphones be replaced?

Hubby and I got iPhone 4's last November and suddenly his headphones are starting to sound tinny while mine sound distant in the right ear. Can they be replaced and if so do we go to the apple store or AT&T?