How to unlock an iPhone 3gs (new bootrom)?

How can I unlock my iPhone 3gs new bootrom?
I used Absinthe 2.0.4 to jailbreak my iPhone.
I understand I'm (might/am) have/going to, to flash my baseband to the iPad baseband: 6.15.00.

Capacity:16 GB
IOS: 5.1.1
Baseband: 5.14.02
Serial #: xx133…
No SHSH saved (don't know how to do that) haha

Can somebody take me through the steps on how I do unlock my iPhone 3gs?


Added (1). Would perfer to be JAILBROKEN AND UNLOCKED on IOS 5 if not then IOS4

Is 8th Grade Math Hard And What Do You Learn?

I Really Suck At Math Numbers Really Confuse Me I Always Get C's or D's On My Math Test. My Parents Said If I Do Good They Would Get Me The New IPhone. Before School Starts I Wanna Know What Stuff You Learn In 8th Grade So I Can Start Studying Now! I Got Tutors Before But They All Confused Me More Please Help Me!

English dubbed anime for iOS (iphone 4)?

Please don't recommend youtube thanks

Added (1). "for iphone 4" means that i want to be able to watch it on my iphone
also crunchyroll is only good for subbed anime

How to speed up AND connect songs on iPhone?

I'm a fitness instructor and want to use my own songs from my iTunes library for a fitness mix. I need to have the songs connect AND I need to speed them up to at least 133 bpm. Is there an app for this?

How to turn my iPhone back on?

I got bored and just started messing around with my phone and so I put voice over on. Well lemme tell you it is *** retarded. I have no idea how to turn my phone back on because my phone is black. Just black. It will not do anything. How do I get this *** thing away. I can't do anything any more. I tried calling it to see if it would light it up but it doesn't work. Please help me fast! Please.

Added (1). Never mind i figured it out.

Making ringtones with itunes?

I made a ring tone and dragged it into itunes but itunes will not allow me to move the ring tone to the tone section in itunes. And because so it will not be recognized on my iphone. Ideas? Its already in.m4r format.

How to transfer music on my iphone to my mac?

I just bought a new MacBook Pro today. And I want to transfer all my music from my iPhone onto the computer. It's the only place I have all my music. How do I get it to transfer?

Mixed signals from social networking apps?

I have three of the gay social networking apps on my iPhone: Growlr, Scruff and Jack'd.

I was never one for hook ups, but I'm not looking for a long-term boyfriend (I had one for about a year and a half) so I'm considering maybe trying them out. 100% safe of course.

I have an attraction to older men and there was a bear on Growlr who contacted me for friendly chat and we've been talking for about 3 days. His profile is sending some mixed things. It says that he is looking for "friends, conversation, bears, cubs, chasers, etc., that he is in a relationship (it does not say open relationship) and his "about" section says that he is an average bear, looking for friends, that his partner and him have been together for 30 years and that he is a top.

If he is looking for "friends", why would be specify that he is a top? Is his partner in on this? Is he trying to cheat on his partner? I think he is attractive, and I'm not opposed to perhaps messing around, but I don't want to be the "homewrecker"

By the way, he's 52. I'm 21.

What is the hardest subject in school? (Your opinion)?

Math ( Geometry ) ;A; it takes me up to 3 weeks to 100% understand the concept however I get behind.
Thanks for answers, I was getting really bored sneaking glances in the iPhone while doing homework ( my mom is watching me holy crap o.o )
Welp, bye Facebook, bye YA, bye YouTube.

Added (1). Alycia-
分かりますか XDDD