IPhone text doesn't send sometimes?

When I'm on Facebook I type something and push send and sometimes my phone doesn't send the full message I type or sometimes it doesn't even send the message I type
It sends like half of the message of when I push send my comment isn't there at all. Why does my phone do this?

iPhone 4s 16gb in sprint network

How to get photos from my iPhone 4S onto my laptop?

I want to transfer photos taken on my iPhone onto my laptop. I have it plugged in via USB and am on iTunes but can only see how to transfer stuff onto my iPhone. Can't see phone in 'My Computer' either: S

Added (1). Nothing popped up. All that happened was iTunes opened.

How to update your iphone's IOS but keep your cydia data and files?

So I want to get Ac! D Siri but I must have IOS 5.1.1 and I have IOS 5.0.1. I really want to update but I have a TON of cydia apps and tweaks that I want to keep. Can you tell me how to keep them or direct me to a video please? All good answers are greatly appreciated!

Does using apps on iphone mean internet use?

So apparently i'm over my limit on using the internet even though i don't remember ever really using it that much so i was wonder ing do using apps mean internet use, like Pandora, Family Feud, Spotify?

Is my iPhone backed up correctly?

My iPhone 4 device is having an issue, and I'm trying to get is swapped out today. I want to back up my data to the iCloud, but there's some confusion. On iTunes my phone is switched to "Back up to iCloud", and under that it says it's last back up was when I plugged it into my computer. But on my phone under iCloud backup, it says it has never been backed up. Is this normal? Two different answers doesn't help me out really…

How to fix my iphone's hotspot s name?

Every time I connect my Windows laptop to my iPhone's hotspot, it has a new name which is always the next number from the previous one used. In simple terms, it starts as Alex's iPhone, then becomes Alex's iPhone 2, and on and on and on. Is there any way to prevent this? It gets really annoying to have to go in to my settings and merge the networks every week.

My iPhone screen is messing up?

Well yesterday I was using my iPhone to text my girlfriend, and then I set it down and the phone screen shut of (sleep mode). Then when I got a text, the screen lit up in all white (The phone was set up to show a preview of the text even when it's in sleep mode). The phone itself isn't broken because when I turn it on and do the sliding motion to unlock the phone it makes the unlock noise, but the screen is completely white and it won't show anything. I looked up online on how to fix it and I tried resetting it via iTunes, and that didn't do anything for me. But when I reset it and my phone turned back on, the phone was working for a bit until it went back into sleep mode and then the screen turned completely white again. I don't want to pay for a new phone if I don't have to… Is there anyone who knows how to fix this problem?

Iphone water damage, camera light works?

I'm not sure what happened, but my iPhone won't turn on. One of the water indicators is red and one is still white. I couldn't see any water behind the screen, but I could see it behind the camera lens. I put it in a bowl of rice for three days, the water behind the lens seems to be gone, but it still won't turn on. However, when I plug it in to a power source, the camera light turns on. Is my phone broken or is there a chance it can be fixed? I plan on bringing it to the apple store as soon as I can, but I'm in a foreign country right now

Can I use my US iphone 4 in India?

I've been using my iphone4 in USA for the last 2 yrs. I'm going to India + want to continue using it. What do I do to make it work in India? What's a reliable Indian phone service + how much can I expect to pay for monthly charges that includes internet use? Or is it cheaper + less of a hassle to just get a cheap Indian smart phone mobile? What's a comparable smart phone in India?