Scammed on Craigslist. Can I get my money back?

I made the mistake of buying an iPhone 4 on Craigslist. The guy had told me nothing was wrong with the phone, and the pictures looked fine. So after a few texts back and forth, I met with him at a nearby mall, and I checked out the phone, and then bought it for $200. After setting up the phone, I realized that when i'm on a call, the other person couldnt hear me. After trying to fix the phone myself, and even taking it into the Apple store, it still doesn't work. I'm only sixteen years old, so $200 is a lot to me. I want my money back. I texted the guy who sold me the phone, and she didn't respond. Is there any way i'm able to involve the police, so I rightfully get my money back?

You have to be 18+ to use Craigslist anyway.

Nothing you can do. Its buyer beware when buying used stuff off sites like craigslist.

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