Unlock passcode for iphone 8 using 3 party softwares?

I found a iphone 8 red edition i belive and it has a passcode. I want to return it to the rightful owner however i can't seem to contact them. The phone has a sim however there's no contacts saved on them. I tried siri but it kept telling me failed to connect to the internet. Is there anyway i can unlock this phone to return to the owners.

There's no way to unlock an iPhone. Turn it into the local police. They can use the IMEI # to lookup the rightful owner through the phone company.

Take it to the police or your local Apple store. They can track down the owner.

Take it to an Apple Store/police. They could handle it.

Return it to the carrier's store indicated on the SIM. You can also take it to an Apple store or turn it in to the police.