What can I do with 300mb at&t iphone 4s?

I was wondering what all the possibilities are for my data plan?
I mostly just want to know because I will be using imessage when I don't have Wi-Fi so I will have my data plan on, but 300mb isn't much. If i text like 1500 ish messages/month, will it use all of my data? I have unlimited regular texts, but limited data internet for the imessage.

You'll be cutting it very close and will depend on your other data usage.

For example a lot of apps use internet in the background and as soon as you leave Wi-Fi networks it will use your cellular data. For me I use something like 400mb a month purely on the various email accounts I have and background apps and maps ect. This is as I rarely have a Wi-Fi connection to use. Browsing will add more to this total. If you install a small number of apps that use background data and are normally connected to a Wi-Fi network you'll have no problems with data limits. However its difficult to judge how much you will actually end up using.

The last thing I want to say is that when you accidentally go over your limit you can be charged outrageous prices per MB. If you go over by small amounts like 20mb it can end up being more costly than your normal months bill. So its better go with the plan with to much data compared to the possibility of going over it.

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