What do I do if a seller does not ship my item and does not give a refund on ebay?

I just won the bid of an iPhone on ebay for £230. I would like to know what I can do if the item is not shipped, and he does not give me a refund? I just double checked his feedback after I won and there's a comment saying 'Item not shipped and refund not given!' but all the other feedbacks are good, saying they got their items etc. I'm just a little scared I won't be getting my phone or my money back if I don't receive it. This is my first time using Ebay and I'm slightly worried, please help!

Contact ebay and tell them about your problems. I'm sure they will help you out.

Sorry to hear this you can email eBay them self they can help you

Contact ebay and tell them, report his account and possibly take legal action

Its illegal to do that if it happens and the person has your money and you have proof of transaction then you can make a report with the police

You can report him to ebay if you don't receive your item. They will then chase him up and if you still don't get it then they will refund you.

If you just won the item, give it at least two weeks before you contact the seller or make a claim with Ebay.

If you don't receive the item, as indicated by the expected delivery date, contact the seller first and try to work it out with him or her first. If they don't respond or are rude, make a claim with Ebay.

On your Ebay account, where you see the item purchased, there will be a drop-down query for Feedback and other links to assist you. Click the report buyer link and the rest is self-explanatory.

I dealt with this before and the Ebay Customer Service tool is very helpful, they really are. You will get a refund if the seller is unresponsive and they will get a negative mark.

Hiya, as long as you pay by paypal, Ebay will help you sort it out with a refund if needed. I'm not sure what happens if you don't pay that way, but they would still try to help you. Just remember you only get a certain time to sort it out, I think about 60 days.
Hope this helps to put your mind at ease and you enjoy your iPhone when it comes.

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