What do you think of Apple's latest invention, the wide-angle lens?

The iPhone 11 comes with a brand new feature, wide-angle lens. Once again Apple leads in innovation.

You sound like an apple employee. Can I speak with your manager?

Another miscalculation being touted as a new feature…

It's aight in my opinion

I could not care any less if I was paid to.

You have to admit, no one has made it look that creepy before.

It looks terrible

You understand that wide-angle lenses have been around for more than a century right! And Apple's invention which is an off the shelf part manufactured by Sony I believe!

Invention? Poppycock. Wide angle lenses have been around since before WW 1.

In addition to the what the others said, you do realize that others cameras have wide-angle lenses. The S10 has a slightly wider lens and more pixels than the iPhone 11.

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