Why is it that teenagers are so impatient?

So i'm at the mall and this lady who has her teen daughter (looks 14) is impatient because the line at chick fil a is so busy. And she was saying to her mom that she wanted to walk outside because she didn't get any service on her Iphone. And then she was saying she did not want chick fil a, she wanted to go to Sbarros pizza.

Teenagers can be just so impatient


Why is Statan always seems to watching what other people are doing & not living his own life? He seems to always watch teenage girls. Does his preacher know this? Does the girl he pretends to club with know this? Why he is always judging people like this & talking about girls periods? When someone calls him on this he then asks questions about the user & blames it on pms.

Statan can be such a loser pervert.

Am I right?

Because we grew up in a world where everything is instant, older people didn't. I don't know.

Is her impenitence bothering you in any kind of way?

How is Chick-Fil-A perverted? You people take trolls way too seriously. Get a grip!

I feel like children are more patient than adults actually. I mean, think about it. They're always waiting, and they become good at it. Waiting for school to end, waiting for summer, waiting for parents to get ready, always waiting, waiting, waiting.

Of course, there's always someone like you mentioned, someone who out grew her patience.

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