Why is this website full if immature teenagers?

My God! Get a life you lot! Who cares if you've 'got a *****' or 'are pretty enough?'. Pretty enough for what?

Immature idiots! Go and sample life instead of living it through your computer and Iphone screens!

This statement in of itself proves this site is full of immature teens.

Okay. There are immature people on here but not all of them are teenagers. To prove that we have people like you, who get angry and worked up over petty nonsense. Nobody cares. Don't read these people's questions. And please get some help for your anger.

Wow you just contradicted the hell out of yourself. You sound like you're the one who needs a life if you come on here just to complain about what's on here.

You're the one who is immature, hope you don't act like that outside of the internet…

It just is

Because of anonymous nature, what you perceive as teen might be adult. Beside, there's lots teens so you are going to run into lots.

While I agree with you in principal, what you are doing right now is immature.

This is a Q&A site, not a rant site, if you dislike it here, leave. No one is forcing you to stay. As a PUBLIC site we have all ages and you will get all sorts of responses, so either accept it or don't come on the site at all, your choice.

Why are you so angry? I noticed you have answered sixty three questions so why are you ranting about people living off their computer screen? Like it or not the Internet is a very important part of most teens life. This is how they grew up. I'm thirty and remember actually going outside to play. Times have changed. I sometimes think that our youth are lacking in imagination and it makes me sad. Posting pictures and asking randoms if they are hot or not is just another unfortunate part of this generations reality. I'm so sick of selfies. The fact that it's a word. But these people got it right. Stop the anger.

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