Will Verizon replace my iPhone 4?

Well I have had my iPhone 4 not 4s but 4 since November of 2011 i had a different phone for a year with verizon and my contract was due this past November. Still with Verizon. But recently I changed my number to where my sister used to have her line. So now I don't know if I can upgrade. Or can Verizon change it to another iPhone because this one is beginning to mess up. The lock button doesn't work neither does the down volume. And to top it off when I plug it in to charge it doesn't instantly charge I have to mess with it for it to charge and its not the chord because I've tried numerous chords

If you have their insurance they will send it to factory to get fixed or send a new one if its defective and not from abuse

If you don't have insurance they won't replace it. Why would they? They aren't liable for a phone bought in 2011.

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