I just dropped my iphone, how much for a new one?

I got my Iphone4S the end of June.
I just dropped it and my screen cracked.
Is there anything I can do or I have to buy a whole new phone?

You can take it to an apple service centre to have the screen replaced but its gunna cost a whopping amount of money… Depending on whether you bought your iphone simfree or on contract you might as well buy a new iphone from scrartch, replacing the screen is just so expensive. At this moment, a new iphone 4s costs 589$ on amazon.

You can have the screen replaced at any Apple store (not sure on the price now but it's not cheap); don't buy a new phone… And get a rubber cover to protect it just incase you drop it again (there's some that make it thicker with rubber sticking out so if you managed to drop it on the screen then the rubber would absorb the damage instead of the screen)

Yes, you can fix it yourself.find the screen you may need here