What are some fun things to do on a plane? - 1

Today I'm going on a 6 hour plane ride and I need some ideas to keep my busy. Not the normal listen to music watch a movie, play on you iPad/iPod or iPhone.

These are my ideas so far

1. Read Boor or magazine

2. Play on my iPad

3. Play cards with my brother

4. Watch a movie on my iPad

So can you please give me some more ideas?

How to listen to my iPhone while on a cycling machine/treadmill?

I'm going on holiday tomorrow, and just found out there's a gym. I want to listen to my iPhone while I run/go on the cycling machine, but how? I don't have any of those straps or anything, so how will I use it without it falling out of my pocket or something?

How should I clean my white iPhone bumper?

I have an Otterbox with a white bumper and pink shell. I always keep it in my pocket at work, and because I have to wear very dark blue jeans, it is stained blue. Anything I can do to make it white again?

How to download fifty shades of grey on my iPhone?

Okay since almost EVERYONE I know have read the books! I'm interested to read them too! So um send me a link where I can download the ebooks for free directly on my iPhone (no computer required)

Please! And thanks

Also, I live outside the UK!

And I apologize for any grammar mistakes my autocorrect is being crazy lately!

How to turn on my iphone when my power button doesn't work?

I have an Iphone 4 and my power button doesn't work. For some reason my phone turned off today when it was fully charged and now i do not know how to turn it back on. I tried plugging it in to the charger and it still wouldnt turn on. Does anyone know how to fix my power button temporarily so i can atleast get my phone to turn on with a hard reset or something?

With 4g do you get Internet everywhere?

I'm on my dads iPhone and it says 4g in the top left hand corner. We're driving from las Vegas to California and I want to be able to go on Internet the whole ride there, can I?

Added (1). Oh ok, I don't know much about this whole iPhone and other cell phone stuff, well I still have service.

How to sync music to your mobile device?

So I just purchased music on amazon, and now es on the cloud player. But I want to get the music downloaded to my iPhone. But can you even get the music onto iTunes for that? Or do I have to use cloud player whenever I want to listen to the album?

People keep calling me and I don't know who they are?

I have a iphone 4 and I keep getting calls from people saying that I called them first, and I know didn't, their numbers aren't even in my recents. Today I got a call from a random saying to stop calling her and thought I was a telemarketer… How can I make this stop? And how did this even happen?