I have been trying to successfully spray paint a plastic iPhone case for a week now.
I sanded it, put a clear coat of spray paint specifically made for plastic on it, let that dry, and then I put a few coats of the regular spray paint on it (letting it sit and dry for 30 min to an hour in between coats), and lastly put a clear protective coat on it. It's been sitting for about a day without being handled, and the paint seems dry now. I can tap it with my fingernail and it doesn't leave little marks. The problem is that it still seems a bit sticky. Not like super sticky but enough that I notice it when I pick it up, put it down, and especially when I put it up to my face to answer phonecalls, etc. I was just wondering if someone could tell me what I either did wrong or what I can do to stop this stickiness. It would be GREATLY appreciated, because after a week of trying to get this to work, I'm about ready to pull my hair out.