How to transfer apps to your itouch?

Are there any ways to move apps to your ipod touch/iphone besides syncing the apps directly through the itunes library? Because alot of my apps on my itouch are not on my itunes library yet, and i don't want to lose those apps. If there's also a way to move those apps to the itunes library can someone please tell me? I'd really appreciate it.

Do all micro sim s fit in the iPhone 4?

Hey sorry i'm a newbie with phones.

So my friend is selling me an unlocked iPhone 4. I'm going to Mexico and a cell phone company over there's going to sell me a prepaid Micro Sim for the iPhone. There should be no problem with it working right?
Or am I facing potential issues like the micro sim not working? I've never done this before.

Can an itouch fit in an iphone 4 or 4s case?

Alright, so there's this really nice case i've seen on amazon.there's nothing like it and i really do like it. All the reviews i've seen on it are good, and its really cheap (only 9 bucks with free shipping). But the only question is, the case says it is an iphone 4 and 4s case, not an itouch, i know there are a few differences between the itouch and the iphone 4s (i'm not sure about the iphone 4).im just wondering if anybody knows if you can use an iphone 4/4s case with an itouch 4.

If I unlock my iphone 4s will it void warranty?

I just recently bought a iphone 4s. I have a warranty on it, but if I unlock my iphone 4s, and then something bad happens to it, will Apple still cover me for a replacement? Let me know thanks!

How to unlock IPhone 4s ATT onto TMOBILE network?

My girl has a iphone 4s firmware 2.0.12 on AT&T's network. She reported it lost and is giving me that phone and she is getting a new one for $200. I want to unlock mine on T-Mobile's service. What all do I need to do in order to unlock it? They can't do anything or trace/lock the iphone once i have unlocked it onto another carrier correct?