Instead of just having free college in USA, why can't we also PAY college students to attend class?

It does take work to walk to class and to study and we should raise taxes to pay students to walk to class and take college introduction to ancient philosophy classes

Why can't we PAY students for participating in class using taxpayer funds, AND cover room and board and tuition books and meal plan, but ALSO

Pay college students so if they want to get a cool poster for the dorm room, they can buy it with taxpayer funds… Or if they want a cool speaker for iPhone to play music Bluetooth,

Or if 2 college kids want to get married and have a wedding, like Govt money to pay for this so they don't have to work through college?

How to mute someone on an iPhone?

I have an iPhone 8, is here a way I can set someone's messages to just not notify me or pop up in my inbox right away? Like not completely blocked but like I have to go find the messages to look at them? Kind of like a mute? Or do I have to straight up block them? I wanna block someone from sending me notifications for a while but I don't want their messages to disappear if I wanna go see them you know?

Accidentally viewed adult site on work phone?

So my work phone is an iphone and it somehow syned up with my personal macbook (I was unaware of this).
I was using safari on my work phone and I got freaked out when I saw an adult site that I had on my personal computer. I tried to delete the page from the iphone but instead ended up accidentally accessing the website.

I was on it for no more than 2 seconds, but I'm worried that I just got flagged at work and may get in trouble for an honest mistake. Can IT see the page I accidentally viewed? Can they see how long I was on it for? I think I was on their Wi-Fi too.

Added (1). Should I go to IT and admit to what happened? Or should I let it go?

My iPhone SE won't turn on?

I have an iPhone SE, and it won't turn on. Whenever I try to take a screenshot, I can hear the shutter sound and whenever I plug the device in to charge, I can hear the little beep when it lets you know the device is charging. The only problem is that it's stuck on a black screen. Does anyone know how to fix this?

What should I get for my birthday?

My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and my parents are asking me what I want but I'm not really sure. I was maybe thinking either cash or the iPhone 7 since I've had the iPhone 6s for a couple years now. Note: I'm 19