I just can't stop crying, all my electronics are broken and i'm spiraling into sadness?

My tv is cracked, my xbox controller needs connecting every minute even though its wired, my iphone back is cracked and all my leads for iphone are broken, my tablet won't connect to the internet, my fan has unhooked from its mounting, and worst of all, i spilled coke on my laptop, I'm just doomed to not be with electronics even though i like them so much, but literally everything i touch gets broken

I lost my iPhone 4, can I still get my photos back?

So a couple of weeks ago I lost my iPhone 4. I know for sure that I turned on the automatic backup in the settings so I know that maybe some of my files in my phone are still in my iCloud but the problem is I saw in some forum somewhere that iCloud only saves your photos for 30 days which means I may have lost most of my photos.
My questions are:
1. Does iCloud save All your photos and then deletes it of your phone or does it only save the 1000 recent photos that you have in your photo stream? Because I have an iCloud app in my windows laptop but when I open the photos it only shows 200+ photos, not all of them and in my photostream in my old phone it only shows the recent 1000 photos so I may have lost all the old photos in my camera roll/
2. When I buy a new iPhone which is a few months time, Can I still my photos and other files or will they get deleted in like a few months.

How to get music off my iphone 6 onto itunes?

How to get music off my iphone 6 onto itunes?

Added (1). My computer crashed and i lost all my itunes music. All my music is on my ipnone 6 and it will not let me transfer my music from my phone to my laptop. The music that i bought directly off itunes onto my phone has gone onto my new itunes but songs that i put onto my computer before it crashed that i only had on CDs won't transfer which is 80% of my music. Basically i need a way of transering music that i only have on my iphone onto my new itunes.

Is 16 GB enough for iPhone 6

So I'm getting a iPhone 6 but the 64gb & 128gb is out of stock they only have 16gb & people keep telling me it's not enough but i only use 4 social media apps my playlist only has about 15 songs and I don't take a lot of pictures I know that iOS takes like 3 to 4 GB already

Is iPhone 4s screen same as iPhone 4?

So my screen is broken and my friend is going to fix it but I have to order a screen, but I can't find any for the iPhone 4s, I do find for the iPhone 4 and some say it's the same as iPhone 4s, is it? So if I order an iPhone 4 screen I could replace it with my iPhone 4s?

How to get past an apple ID an a restored iPhone 5s?

How to get past an apple ID an a restored iPhone 5s?

Added (1). I got a restored, hand me down iPhone 5s from my friends work. The phone is restored, I just need an apple id to get past setting up the phone, but I have no way of getting the apple id information! How can I get past this? Or restore the phone without the apple id? I know iOS 8 made it so you can't get past that, but I know if there's a will there's a way! Lol