How to download iOS 7 for iPhone 5?

I'm trying to install some apps on my phone but it keeps saying that I need to download this newer version first. Can someone please tell me how I can download this for free?

How to fix my wretched demon daughter? She's 13 and abuses me?

So I have a 13 year old daughter and I think she has become kind of bratty. She has a mac book pro, a flat screen tv in her room, beats headphones, iPhone 6, professional canon camera, an extremely expensive professional flute and violin that she begged for before and I got her private lessons but then she quit after two weeks and said it was boring and hard, lots of makeup from sephora and mac, lots of clothes from designer brands, exotic fish that were very expensive but she kept begging for them and said she would take care of them but she never feeds or cleans the tank, I always do it. She takes singing and horse back riding lessons. After driving her from horse back lessons and I told her she desperately needed to clean her room because it was a mess, and she told me to shut the **** up. I was appalled because I never taught her this type of language or disrespect. I told her I would be taking away her cellphone and she stomped her feet and screamed and cried and told me I was ruining her life. I felt bad for her so I didn't take the phone away. Her grades are Ds and Fs and the teachers have called me on multiple occasions that she has been harassing other kids. She invites a bunch of kids I don't know to my house and they always mess up the house and steal food. Her room is an absolute disaster and she refuses to do chores but demands $50 per week and for me to drive her to the mall.

Picture vs mirror, what to believe?

So I've been thinking of this subject for so long, i look in the mirror and I see myself and I like the reflection like everything looks okay and how I'd imagine, but when i take a picture/video of myself (using the front facing camera on an iPhone 5s) I tend to look quite a bit different like my face is chubbier and very uneven compared to the mirror

I heard about the true mirror concept also where you see an unreversed mirror image, that looks similar to the mirror.

I just was curious to know which one is the best representation of how others see me, and is the difference really major. Can I rely on the mirror to show me what I look like

IPhone 5s is charging slowly and running out fast?

So lately my phone has been charging really slow like it will be at 3% and after 10-15 minutes it'll be at 4%, then when it is fully charged I will take it out and after about 5 mins of not using it at all it'll be at 97%, and then later in the day after not using it, it will be 6-18% charged. I don't know what to do and what is happening does anyone know what has happened to my phone?