Why does my iphone 6 freeze when its connected to a charger?

Recently I used an aftermarket charger to charge my iphone 6, it worked fine but as soon as i unplugged it to make a call and try to charge it again it didn't want to charge instead I got the message that the cable isn't certified by apple. Afterwards when i tried to use an actual apple one it didn't want to charge at all. I tried multiple cables and nothing. I figured the port might have been damaged, but when the iphone is off and i plug it in, it starts to turn on and it freezes at the black apple logo. Even after unplugged it remains frozen. I tried to plug it into my computer but still no luck

Does an iPhone save your failed passcode attempts over long periods of time?

Does an iPhone save your failed passcode attempts over long periods of time?

Added (1). About 3 weeks ago I found my old iPhone and I used a different passcode that I can't remember. I tried as many different passcodes up until it locked for 15 minutes, then I gave up and put it back away until now. If I try again will it lock for 30 minutes or do the attempts reset?

Why could i have gotten a text message with no text box?

Yesterday morning, I looked at my smart phone ( android) and I got a text from someone. I clicked on the contact's text and there was no message, no blank bubble, nothing. It just looked like one of us was getting ready to start a conversation but no message was sent. (Extra info: I may be wrong but I think this certain contact has an iphone.) What could cause this? I don't want to ask the person because it would be extremely awkward.

Why does IPhone 4 flashes on and off?

My Iphone all of a sudden wouldn't turn back on. When I put it on charge it flashes the apple logo. I tried holding the power and home buttons still nothing. I kept it on charge and the phone went back to the home screen I put it on factory reset and reseted the phone. When I take it off charge it turns off. Need Help.

IPhone activation without a sim card?

I want to use my iPhone as an ipod. I recently enabled it because it was disabled. Now i'm setting it up again and I need a sim card. I don't have one and I can't use another one. How can I "hack" this page (below) IPhone activation without a sim card

Why won't my iPhone 5 turn on or show charging screen?

A few days ago my iPhone went black and I assumed it needed charging but its been on charge for days and it won't turn on or even show the charging screen (battery pic). I've tried rebooting it by pressing the home and on button for 10 sec but nothing happened. Its quite new as I've had it for about 4 months and I need help As soon as possible so any help will be appreciated xx