How to add people on iMessage?

So i have an iPod touch 4 gen and my friend has an iPhone 5. She gave me her number but it won't let me add her number. It keeps saying that its not registered with i message. What I'm i doing wrong?

Help to trace a lost iPhone 5?

Lost/misplaced an iPhone.It is switched off, but is there a findmyiphone history that I can check where it was last located? I'm certain I left it in someone's house.

Five nights at Freddy's app?

So I bought the first fnaf app on my iPhone 5c. The sound isn't working correctly. It works while I'm playing, but there's no twinkling and scream noise when it happens. My ringer and volume is all the way up. Is there any way to fix this?

I think my husband is spying on me? Why does my iPhone say Facebook is using your location?

Why does my iPhone say "Facebook is using your location" on the top rim of my home screen when I press the home button to exit the app?

It has never done this before at all.

I ask because my husband and I have been fighting a lot. I was texting my sister about it one day b/c I was really upset needed someone to talk to. Then, he went on my phone and read the messages and went nuts. He's been going onto my phone and laptop and snooping for a while now. I don't know why.
Anyway, I changed my passwords on my phone and laptop because he doesn't want me to talk to my family anymore really at all.

The other day he told me he was thinking about putting some sort of spyware on my phone/laptop. This MORNING, while i was getting ready for an appt., he came in and asked if he could put this workout app on my phone for me. I said sure cuz I like working out, even though I had a feeling he was up to no good.

I noticed my phone telling me that Facebook is using my location services literally right after he gave it back to me.

Sorry for all the rambling, this is all such a mess right now but any insight on this situation would help i suppose.

Honestly, I care less if he's got spyware on my phone. I just know its wrong and I need to know for my own good because I feel like he's controlling my freaking life right now.


I have an Iphone 5, no service (it used to) and all the buttons work perfectly fine. However, when I go to slide to unlock ( or in my case, slide to power off for church) It won't sense my finger. At all. Any troubleshooting tips? I've restarted it like 30 times, and I can't reset, because well, the screen isn't working, and I hadn't synced it to my computer. Anything will help.

Preferably a dyi fix because I'm a poor high schooler

I found a iphone 6 and it still has a icloud on it?

So i found a iphone 6 i restored and update d it but its not for my company so i put a friends at&t card in and the the service thing in the corner poped right up then i proceeded to set it up then it said please sign into icloud but my icloud didn't work. How do you remove old icloud. Does anyone know where i can take the phone to get it done.

Do I have a criminal case against this kid, what will I have to do with this thief?

I have had 3,000+ in backpacks, jackets, bongs, cash, computers, and iphones go missing from my house.

Just the other day I located my phone and traced it to an apartment complex. My roommate later caught this thief trying to break in scared the kid into giving up his name and let the kid go because he was 14-15 years old.

We found the kids facebook and his mom/guardian from pictures and then my friend suggested to look her up on white pages and she lives in the apartment complex that my phone got stolen from.

The police want me to come down to the station and set out the pictures and then they said they can hopefully make and arrest.

If this kid is arrested what will happen? He is 14-15 and has stolen $3,000+ out of my house and I want to press charges. This kid keeps coming by and trying to break in even after we caught him.

Added (1). This kids mom does infact live where my phone was taken so I have reason to believe its been this kids robbing me all along.