Why is my iPhone 5 screen pink?

I charge it overnight, plugged in, face up, on the corner of the bed. Nothing happens to it, I just woke up and it was like this. Last time this happened (which was once), I noticed I had a phone update, so I updated it. When it turned back on, it was fine. But this time, there's no update.
Does anyone know what I can do? Why is my iPhone 5 screen pink

AT&T replace iPhone still be AppleCare?

When I bought my iPhone, I got AppleCare+ and the AT&T insurance. I was randomly thinking, if my iPhone was replaced by AT&T, would I still be AppleCare+ on the replaced iPhone?

Static in speakers caused by TV and Computer?

I'm having a problem with my sound system. Every time I plug the audio cable into my desktop computer, a loud buzzing sound comes out from the speakers. The same thing happens when I plug the cable into the TV.

HOWEVER, there's no static or humming at all when I plug the audio cable into my laptops, Macbook Pro and a Gaming Laptop, even when they are plugged in and charging. There's also no static when I plug the audio cable into a mobile device such as an iPad, iPod, and iPhone. So, I know the problem could not be the cable or amplifier.

I tried to see if the buzzing would go away if both the computer and amplifier weren't grounded, but the buzzing remained.

Any ideas what could be causing this static sound?

System specs:
1977 PEAVEY CS-800 amplifier
~2007 Dell Dimension w/ Windows 7
~2007 Samsung 46" LCD TV

Hope this helps!

Clear and white-ish colored discharge?

I got off my period on June 1, my period usually last 4 to 5 days. My next period is "expected" to be around June 20, according to my period tracker app on my iPhone. But yesterday, June 9, and today, June 10, I have had discharge that is white and sorta has some clear in it. What does this mean? Am I ovulating or could it be something else? It has no smell, it's not a lot, and it isn't causing me to burn or itch down there so I know it isn't an infection.