Amazon item delayed over 2 weeks?

I bought a new phone off of amazon since my old one broke(IPhone 5, white, 16gbs)

Anyhow, the esitmated delivery, after ordering it on the 29th, was June 5th. Not ideal, but whatever, right? Now, I check online, and it says it's delayed until june 22nd?! Here is a screen shot of what it says.

Amazon item delayed over 2 weeks
Amazon item delayed over 2 weeks - 1

IIm annoyed because I can't even return it, and I do need it before that date. Is this a common thing, and it should arrive before the 22nd? Is there a way to contact amazon support or somebody to maybe see what's up and/or speed it up? Or am I going to have to suck it up? Any help at all would be much appreciated.

Added (1). I live in NYC if that's any help, so I don't think any "MAJOR" events would be stopping it, since it's already in the state. Bethpage NY, as a matter of fact. If anything, It'd probably be easier to DRIVE and pick it up than to wait almost a month for it.

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