Today I sold and Iphone 4s on Ebay and everything was working out just fine, the buyer payed like usual. Then, the buyer messaged me and said "I accidentally put the wrong address. Can I change the address?" I replyed and told him/her "NO". I then went to paypal to see if it my funds were pending and they was. I also looked at the buyers buying history and he didn't have any. He joined August 14, 2014. Do you guys think I should ship the item or contact ebay?


My phone went dead one Day and didn't turn back on I've tried the hold the home button and side for 10 secs but it doesn't work can anyone else tell tell Me what else to do? It still charges it just doesn't come back on.

How to fix iPhone 5 charger?

The part where you connect the charger to the phone idek what its called. It appears somebody stepped on it and bent it or something like that, and now my phone won't charge. Help!

Added (1). The part of the cable where you insert it to the iPhone 5s charging port, yeah it seems it got bent and now my phone doesn't want to charge help!

Do Turkish film laws refer to me as a independent unofficial film maker?

I'm going to Turkey to film a short independent documentary. I'm not signed with any production label. This is completely a solo project. However, once i'm finished editing the documentary, etc i will then work on submitting it to production companies, etc… So, my question is,

even if i'm not showing up with a film crew, just my iphone video camera, do i still need a film permit?

Do i still need a film permit just to film on public streets?

Do i need a film visa for independent filming?

And lastly, i heard that a turkish resident has to be present during filming. Again this isn't a big professional project.

I need to know if the permits, documents, etc only refer to professional film crews & productions, or all film projects period?

Added (1). an independent*

IPhone keeps restarting over and over by itself?

About the phone:
- iPhone 5S
- 5 months old
- iOS 8.3
- EE network

So basically, my phone keeps restarting constantly by itself, I don't know if it's that trick thats been going around where if you send some text to an iPhone user, it'll restart, my brother whose got an Android tried doing it but it didn't work and it's only now worked but other than that, it just won't stop restarting, I picked it up, it restarted, after waiting so long for it to turn on properly, 5 seconds later, it restarted, AGAIN! It's only started yesterday, help please?