Am I able to cancel a sold item on eBay just because I don't trust the buyer?

I sold an iPhone on eBay and the highest bidder bid somewhat higher than normal, which was a bit odd but I didn't really think much of it. Then I noticed that he's from a different country, has 0 feedback, created his account on the same day that the listing ended, and 48 hours later he still hasn't paid for the item. I personally feel as if the buyer is kinda sketchy and I would rather not risk letting things go awry, so I was thinking about sending a second chance offer to the next highest bidder -- but I don't know if I can do that because I need to cancel the transaction between me and the highest bidder first -- and I don't know if I'm allowed to cancel my order with him just because I don't necessarily trust him.

Note got deleted from my iPhone 5c?

I had a very important note on my iPhone 5c that I was writing and while I was writing it my phone kinda glitched out and the note disappeared. I spent days writing this. All of my other notes were there but that one got deleted. I checked my iPad to see if it was there and it wasn't. I tried re-writing the note and while I was almost done with the second version of the original, the same thing happened. I'm very angry. I don't have it backed up on my computer, because the last time I synced my phone it was before I wrote the note. I have a windows computer.