Guy on Craigslist tried to rob me, How do I get him back?

A guy on Craigslist tried to sell me an iPhone 4S 16GB. It was actually a iPhone 4 8GB (Not a 4s). I told him that I want my money back and that this isn't what he said it was. He told me to hold on while he goes to his car, I followed him to his car. He was starting his car, and for some reason I had a feeling he was about to drive off with my money. I already gave him his phone back.

And he actually was trying to drive off, but here's the miracle. His car wouldn't start and I started becoming more aggressive and yelling for my money back. He was really uncomfortable. And then I told him that I'm about to call the police if he doesn't give me my money back. Soon as I pull out my phone, he hands me back $20 less than what I gave him. I demand the other 20 back and he insisted that all I gave him was 60, when I GAVE HIM $80. I then started dialing 911. He then gave me the other 20 and cussed me out.

I'm so lucky his car didn't start. Karma was on my side. I also cussed him out back. But how do I get him back? I texted him that I got his license plate and that I'm going to report him to the police. I met him at a starbucks. He then plays acts like he didn't do anything. Please, I need to scare this guy, anywhere in the law where I can put this guy in jail? Or at least teach him a lesson?

Will a 16GB iPhone 5c be enough for me?

I would take around 2,000 pictures and have around 25 apps. I don't download movies and have many videos. I also don't download much music. I do have a 8GB iPod Touch which I bought a while back and I used up all the storage. Clearly 8GB is not enough for me. I also have a 32 GB iPad Mini and I only used about 4GB in music and apps. I have about 50 apps but all my apps use a small amount of storage. None of my apps are close to using a GB of storage. Most of my games would be downloaded to my iPad and not my phone. Does a 16GB iPhone 5c sound like it will be enough for me?

Message app on iphone keeps crashing?

My friend sent me

and i copy pasted it and then started to delete the first on the second line and then my message app crashed and now i can't open it. I have a iphone 5c with ios 8.3. I've tried restart, reseting, and closing the app and nothing has worked.

Clear or Colored iPhone 6 case?

I'm getting my iphone 6 in a few days and i've stuck on what to buy. The clear case i want is from case mate and its $30 at my local at&t store. However the colored case i would want is the Apple silicone case in either red or pink, but its $35. What would you recommend? I'll provably eventually get both but i want to show off my phone for now. Btw i'm a 14 year old girl going into high school.

Can you still download on an iphone with no phone plan?

I want to buy an IPhone 5 for $214 I think on but I don't wanna pay for a phone plan I just wanna be able to download apps and music. I'm not old enough to actually pay a phone bill each month and I know my grandmother wouldn't want to pay my bill. Is it possible to just use an iPhone for downloading apps and music but not to call people?