IPhone connection in 2009 Mazda CX-7?

I was wondering if there's some sort of cable I could buy to connect my iPhone 5 to in the car so that I could listen the the music from my phone?

Is T-Mobile $50 dollar plan good, with the iPhone 6?

I'm planning on getting an individual plan that costs $50 with the iPhone 6 which is $27.08 a month for 2 years. I'm 16 too and plan on getting a job this summer, and I'm just curious about if it is a good thing and can I afford it.

How to edit Instagram pictures?

I want my feed to look more on the white side. I want my feed to look like @thatsojack s. I want to be a tumblr boy and hipster. I just don't know how to make a cohesive feed like his and how to edit the pictures to look the way his do. What apps do I used (iPhone 5s)?

Icloud bypass dead relative?

Icloud bypass dead relative?

Added (1). is there any way to bypass the i cloud i looked up a tone of videos and couldnt its my aunts iphone and i told my uncle i would find out

What to do about bad neighbors?

I moved into a new apartment complex about 3 weeks ago with my daughter and our dog and cat and it was fine at first, but now, the people that live above me have become quite the nuisances. They stomp whenever my dog barks, they stomp when I turn the TV up, and they stomp when my daughter plays music on her iPhone and has it turned up (She doesn't have a stereo).

I thought to myself "Okay, these people probably just like things to be quiet" but they throw parties nearly every weekend, they blast their music daily, they also have a grill and BBQ on their patio which is against the rules here, so it seems to me that they think they're allowed to do whatever they want, yet get mad when their neighbors do the same. Just yesterday, my daughter was in her bathroom putting on makeup and had music from her iPhone playing and she said that the people upstairs literally stood in the bathroom for about 20-30 minutes and just continuously stomped until she turned it off.

I'm planning on going to the front office tomorrow and complaining to management but I don't know if there's even much that they can do? I don't want them to retaliate either.

My iPhone 5s screen broke without falling, does the warranty cover it?

I was going back home from school and I decided to listen to music in the bus with my phone (perfect conditions at the time) and when I arrived my screen was cracked - I have to mention that it did not fall while I was in the bus - and I'm wondering if Apple's warranty would cover this incident