I accidentally cracked my iPhone 5! Need urgent

Okay, so I somehow dropped my phone which was laying on the edge of the sink bench which was so stupid of me.
And because it was in a bathroom the floor was very strong, hard tiles. When it dropped it hit the ground and flipped onto the back side. I was relieved that it turned over for I thought it didn't crack or anything. But then when I picked it up, a crack that reached from the top to somewhere around the top on the side appeared. I got so freaked out.
I already cracked this phone before and my dad fixed it, paying almost $100. And now I'm really scared. You can't feel the crack and it isn't effecting much but I'm afraid he will kill me!
I need really, really good excuses.
And I know many of you will say "Just tell the truth."
He will literally disown me, so as long as I have a good excuse he'll let me off. I don't care if I can't fix my phone ever again, as long as he is fine with it then I'm all good.
He fixed it about 3/4 months ago so I've been panicking about how he will complain about money problems which we've been going through.

Is it difficult to read books on iphone 5s?

In 3 days or so ill be getting a new phone and formy budget i considered the iphone 5s, i've never used an iphone before so id like to have the experience now, so one of the things i like to do with my phone is to occasionaly read books, but i'm not sure if the iPhone 5s's display is big enough for that, if anybody has tried to read a book on an iPhone 5/5s before id like to know what you think.

My iPhones were stolen. What should I do?

I purchased 2 iPhone 6's & I went into my local AT&T to tell them about it. Unfortunately they told me that they couldn't do anything for me and that made me mad so the employee & I got into a small disagreement and the manager told me not to worry about it that they would cancel it and that he could deduct the cost of termination. This past Friday I received a bill that is due on JUNE 6th FOR 767.23! WHAT SHOULD I DO? There's no way on this God given Earth I will be able to pay that. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?